View Full Version : The next person...

2006-01-29, 06:26 PM
... to not use proper punctuation, capitalization, and grammar gets to give Tidus2k5 the sweetest blowjob he has ever experienced. I can live with a typo, but god damnit why can't you people just type so things are actually capable of being made sense of. I feel like a mother fucking code-breaker trying to read this section anymore.

2006-01-29, 07:05 PM
lawl ees it dat hawd tooo reeed

Nuff Said

2006-01-29, 10:19 PM
Wow Sue. I didn't know that this makes you so mad. I'll try to be better.- Gruesome

2006-01-29, 10:24 PM
this is dargoon elites noob nobody here uses punctuation

2006-01-30, 09:51 AM
Holy shit, Gruesome is actually capable of posting a reply that doesn't look like a 4 year old or glory typed for him!

kenpo sensei
2006-01-30, 12:00 PM
OOOOWwwwwwwww, that was a hard blow

2006-01-30, 12:36 PM
Yay, Gruesome is capable. It wasn't that hard was it? I am content now. Until Glory posts anyway.

2006-01-30, 02:54 PM
Ohhhh boy looks like i am getting the sweetest blow job ever tonight from HandOfHeaven.

2006-01-30, 05:03 PM
It will be the one that you remember Tk05.

2006-01-30, 06:21 PM
You will be writing about it in your Diary all week.

2006-01-30, 06:45 PM
Wow Sue. I didn't know that this makes you so mad. I'll try to be better.- Gruesome

I think the correct answer was "sory zue, dint no tat dis mades u so MADD, me try to do weller".

2006-01-30, 08:59 PM
Why was 'Diary' capitalized?

2006-01-30, 09:13 PM

2006-01-30, 10:25 PM
Because that is what it would say on the cover and aren't titles of books capitalized? Besides, I'm not talking about every single attention to detail being flawless. I'm talking about making an effort to punctuate and write with some structure so sentences flow and can be read as they are meant to be by the author without extra time being spent trying to decipher the essential meaning of the post at hand.

Basically, I don't want posts to look like the ones Glory and Gruesome make like this (Not to single you guys out or anything but you are the ones guilty more often than not. Actually it's mostly Glory that this thread is aimed at the more I look at old posts):

turf u just have to take the high ground and when they come creeping u spring down on them ... thats what i did when i played rumble pit matches there ... and do very well! for sanctuary i think nice sniper a Br/pp and a br/shotgun or sword would do well ... also a little bit of trash talk wouldnt hurt either!! backwash get the sword or shotgun and have the team stay together or in that spire.... enlongation havent played it enough ..... termenal good sniper in the hill by the wrath .. controll of the wrath and rockets and br ppl in the sight of the sniper ... and if able to get the other sniper ... 2 is better then 1 ..... relice at start take ghost to sniper by the sniper bounce , send someone after the rockets and keep 2 at base for hog ruch .. on off hog rush and fuck them up ... make sure to get the bomb guy out early so not blown up and also if its flag just throw it off the base for teammates to get ... also the 4th person in the hog rush gets sniper and snipes rockets or anyone on the platform. gemini get sword shotgun and sniper set sniper on the statu and sword and shotgun run around and fuck ppl up ... 4 person good with smg/pr get that or brute shot . remember its better to stay together in all maps (unless your harris and blow everyone up with one rocket!!!) we should also take time and go through ever map and see if anyone has any ideas ... like putting a person ontop of the center ring in sanctuary

2006-01-31, 01:54 AM
Well it really doesnt matter if the D in capitalized or not. It still doesnt change the fact that you owe me an amazing blow job. I think i will let you warm up by practicing on SteveHarris.

2006-01-31, 06:59 AM
But the difference is that Harris would like it more then you, especially coming from Glory.

kenpo sensei
2006-01-31, 02:39 PM
I didnt know my son gave blow jobs.

2006-01-31, 06:37 PM
Yes Kenpo, your son is that guy.

kenpo sensei
2006-01-31, 07:05 PM
And you know this how?

2006-01-31, 07:45 PM
He knows from personal experiences he has had with your son.

2006-01-31, 08:14 PM
The Dawning of the end.
On this road of wondering, where the answers he so wishes to tame are given in these nightmares.
Truth has been told to him only he chooses not to believe it, but in his dreams, it will ring true... Sue is Dead!

2006-01-31, 10:50 PM
Are you quoting words from your new book?

2006-02-01, 05:18 AM
No? Why would you think something like that?

kenpo sensei
2006-02-01, 07:04 AM
Bye Sue.

2006-02-01, 09:26 AM
Is he dead yet?

kenpo sensei
2006-02-01, 03:33 PM
No, I just seen that he posted.

2006-02-01, 03:55 PM
Do you want me to loser or temp ban anyone for typing like asshats?

2006-02-01, 05:02 PM
Not at the moment, I've actually noticed a significant improvement in people's typing as of late. Thanks for the offer though.

2006-02-01, 05:25 PM
Wow. Glory made actual words today!

2006-02-02, 02:33 AM
Yea, so what of it?

kenpo sensei
2006-02-02, 07:04 AM
Whats an asshat?

2006-02-02, 10:51 AM
What does it sound like?

kenpo sensei
2006-02-02, 12:16 PM
Why it makes noise to?

2006-02-02, 12:19 PM
What? Way to make sense glory.. Err, I mean Kenpo.

Well, I guess it's true what they say about the apple..

2006-02-03, 03:58 AM
Why it makes noise to?
Well actually i find it kind of cleaver if he really knew what he was posting.

kenpo sensei
2006-02-03, 07:22 AM
I know what I'm posting. The question is do you know.

2006-02-03, 08:18 AM
No one else knows kenpo. That's the first sign of mental retardation.

2006-02-03, 08:42 AM
No one else knows kenpo. That's the first sign of mental retardation.
This post=lol

kenpo sensei
2006-02-03, 01:56 PM
No one else knows kenpo. That's the first sign of mental retardation.
No, thats the first sign that you still have a lot to learn.

2006-02-04, 01:14 PM
oh teach us old wise one.

2006-02-05, 08:02 AM
Key word being OLD

2006-02-05, 11:31 AM
Kenpo must be like 23 I would guess.

2006-02-05, 03:57 PM
i would have to guess more like 23 * 2

2006-02-05, 06:09 PM
Perhaps in his infinite wisdom.

i would have to guess more like 23 * 2

kenpo sensei
2006-02-06, 07:13 AM
I never said that I know everything. Being over twice your ages has alowed me to obviously experience more and do more, right or wrong. I just hope I have learned from it, and if I can help someone else, I will.

kenpo sensei
2006-02-06, 07:13 AM
i would have to guess more like 23 * 2
Im 41.

2006-02-06, 07:17 AM
Thank you for caring then Kenpo.

kenpo sensei
2006-02-06, 09:19 AM
I must care about something or I would not be doing this job as long as I have.

2006-02-06, 11:06 AM
I never said that I know everything. Being over twice your ages has alowed me to obviously experience more and do more, right or wrong. I just hope I have learned from it, and if I can help someone else, I will.

I was giving you a compliment kenpo. I meant you were wise beyond your youth.

kenpo sensei
2006-02-06, 11:29 AM
I dont know Sue. Sometimes the advise given by older people to younger people is not good. I just hope what I do give is good advise. Everything is based on either living it, or seeing it happen to others. The best I have got comes from what I have seen others do and the reactions they have toward a situation.

2006-02-06, 01:34 PM
Hey, you aren't twice MY age buck-o! I'm a superior level 24!

kenpo sensei
2006-02-06, 02:44 PM
And Im glad Im NOT>>>>>> 41 is old enough.

2006-02-06, 11:55 PM
I'm a superior level 24!
O yea, i am a lvl 99 Pally with all bugged gear and perfect PvP Skills.

kenpo sensei
2006-02-07, 07:15 AM

2006-02-07, 07:16 AM
Regarding Glory's comment, I have to ask Kenpo, then why are you a cop? Isnt that trying to protect the young in some way?

kenpo sensei
2006-02-07, 10:03 AM
Its protecting everyone, I dont understand what your asking.

2006-02-07, 04:52 PM
I dont remember posting that comment. Its really weird.

kenpo sensei
2006-02-08, 07:18 AM
Now Im back to that you have a hole in head.