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Willkillforfood 2008-10-17 11:41 AM

That's a lot of socks. Lazy bastard :p.

Grav 2008-10-17 11:41 AM

I know someone who hates socks passionately and will not wear them. But that's another story for another time.

Lenny 2008-10-17 05:40 PM

I'm a fan of socks. :)


Tonight we on the corridor who didn't go out went out on a mini bar crawl of a few colleges around Mildert. Waster girl blacked out again, and we just so happen to have a trolley on our corridor, so we put her in it. :) Get it? She was trolleyed, so we put her in a trolley. Hilarious.

Jessifer 2008-10-19 02:00 PM

Your foreign humour would be funnier if I were familiar with your terms.

Lenny 2008-10-19 04:49 PM

"Trolleyed" is just another way of saying someone is very drunk. Others include "rat-arsed", "wasted", "hammered", "pissed" and "bladdered".

Seeing as we had a trolley on the floor (and still do! We reclaimed it from the corridor below us), we thought that "trolleyed" suited her best. If we had any hammers, say, then we'd have gaffer-taped them to her. The same applies to bladders, and even rat arses.


Tonight we took part in the Pub Quiz. We didn't come last, but we weren't in the top three, which means we got somewhere between 28 and 38 points.

Grav 2008-10-19 04:53 PM

What the hell kind of world do you live in??

Lenny 2008-10-19 05:35 PM

England. :)

To be perfectly honest, I think the student culture at Durham is totally different to that at other Universities (and a whole world away from American Universities, I'd imagine). We seem to be a cross between all other English Universities, and Oxbridge - yes we party. Yes we drink. Yes we have fun. But we don't drink continuously, but nor are we all frigid, alcohol-hating geeks. It's very laid back, and fun, and, in a way, intellectual. I've been speaking to friends at other Universities, and all I've been hearing is "drink, vomit, hangover, terrible time in lectures, drink, vomit, all-nighter, vomit some more".

It's quite interesting, actually.

Oh, Oxbridge is Oxford and Cambridge, for anyone who doesn't know, and they're basically the rah Universities - uber-nerds whose idea of a party is gowns, flutes of champagne, and conversation about Science and Maths. Even the Arts students do more work and party less than any of the Science students from other Unis, and Arts students never do work!

Grav 2008-10-19 05:40 PM

Cambridge is where Stephen Hawking is?

Lenny 2008-10-19 05:58 PM


Richard Dawkins is at Oxford, and at Durham we have Bill Bryson as our Chancellor (I don't think he actually does much, rather it's more of a ceremonial position... I'll have to look it up, just to be sure). :)

EDIT: Yeah, the Chancellor is just a figurehead, with the real work done by the Vice-Chancellor.


Wallow 2008-10-19 06:34 PM

Hmm, I liked Oxford's campus when I visited Cambridge 3 years ago. Or maybe all of England colleges have nice campuses?

Lenny 2008-10-21 04:51 PM

Unlike the [major] American Universities, which are set in their own, landscaped campus, English Universities are usually located in cities, with the buildings dotted here and there. Durham is very much a University city - a huge chunk of the population is students. Accomodation is in two parts: the Hill colleges (of which my college, Van Mildert, is part) situated on Mill Hill outside Durham, and the Bailey colleges which are in the centre of Durham. The Science site is a separate site between the Hill colleges and Durham, and every other department is within Durham.

The same applies to places like London, except that the accomodation in London is rarely out of the way. It's more common for students to live in flats above stores.

That's not to say that all Universities are based in cities - some have their own, self-enclosed campus, but they're few and far between.

Asamin 2008-10-21 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by Wallow (Post 657234)
Hmm, I liked Oxford's campus when I visited Cambridge 3 years ago. Or maybe all of England colleges have nice campuses?

All of England is better then us....

Lenny 2008-10-22 05:35 PM

Damn straight! We're English!!


It was (and still is, for two hours) the Freshers' Ball tonight - I'm not prepared to spend £40 to stand in a corner nursing a pint of coke for six hours, with an hour bouncing to a Pendulum DJ set (though I am disappointed that I'm missing the DJ set), in a place I don't know, surrounded by people I don't know, with nowhere to go if I get bored because we arrived and depart on a coach, so I stayed in with the rest of the corridor. We watched the football in the bar, then went to the "Pizza Party and Kids Games" in the JCR, where we played Connect Four, Wii Sports, Twister and Pool. I also had a brief, but nice, conversation with the girl mentioned in the OP (she was looking lonely, so I ambled over). After the gamesd we headed back to the bar, and had shots of straight cordial. :p Oh, and we (four of us) walked back to our corridor with 16 pints of coke in plastic pint cups. :D

Interesting night.

Jessifer 2008-10-23 09:41 AM

This thread should be renamed "The life and adventures of Lenny the Smurf." :p

Lenny 2008-10-23 04:47 PM

Mildert/Grey formal tonight - nice food. Soup to begin, a main course of lamb, and a nice ice-cream thing covered in white chocolate for dessert.

Then I played Snooker for a couple of hours. No, I didn't play a few games in two hours, rather I took two hours to play one game. :p

Jessifer 2008-10-24 06:46 AM

Nice title.

...What's Snooker?

Grav 2008-10-24 07:47 AM

Think spin the bottle, but with a teapot.

Jessifer 2008-10-24 07:58 AM

Bloody English language...

Lenny 2008-10-24 12:13 PM

You seriously don't know what Snooker is? :eek:!

It's like Pool, but bigger, and different. I think it's one of the best sports there is.

One of the World's best is Ronnie O'Sullivan, and this is his maximum break from the 2008 World Championship:


You pot a red, then a colour, until all the reds are gone. Then you pot the colours in order (Y, G, Br, Bl, P, Bl).

Willkillforfood 2008-10-24 12:29 PM

That's interesting that all your universities are buildings spread out in cities. That seems somewhat inefficient. Are there any THAT far apart? Like many kilometers?

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