Zelaron Gaming Forum

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-   -   Zelaron needs an overhaul (http://zelaron.com/forum/showthread.php?t=50835)

Sovereign 2012-03-08 04:08 PM

Zelaron needs an overhaul
I got bored so I thought of some suggestions. Looking for input.

Forum News, Suggestions and Discussion
- Get rid of New World Order

Introduce Yourself
- Rename to Member Introductions

The Symposium
- Rename to General Discussion. Merge all the subforums

Science and Art
- Merge the sub forums. With current activity there is no need for individual forums for news, tech, and math help.

New Forum Suggestion
- Anime and Manga. Bring it back please. There is a decent sized fanbase I'm willing to spend time to bring new content to it.

Flame Forum
- Keep the same.

Video Games
- Change to General Gaming. This will allow people to post about anything from pokemon cards, magic the gathering, or monopoly along the posts about Skyrim and any other games out there.

Diablo Series
- Merge all the forums. A sticky can be made of all important topics like d2 bot info and such.

Starcraft Forums
- Probably wont be very active, but If we post news about the upcoming second expansion to starcraft 2 we can get some new signups.

World of Warcraft Forums
- Split into Discussion Forum and Maybe an Auction House. Have an option for people to sign up to use zelaron as their guild forum hosting.

kaos 2012-03-08 04:21 PM

Call of duty forums!!!

Change the name of the forums from "Zelaron Gaming Network" to "Zelaron Gaming Forums"

I can do SEO for us for free if you want.


I just did an analysis for SEO on Zelaron, and it's fucking terrible. No wonder we're not getting any good traffic or new members.

For the least part, change the SERP title and description from:

This is a cool place to hang out and talk about computers, computer games, and life


Zelaron Gaming Forums
Zelaron Gaming Forums is one of the best forums for video games, computer games, and any other gaming discussion.

Since this is a gaming forum, we're trying to target the "Gaming Forums" keyword. When someone searches "gaming forums" on Google, Yahoo, etc. Zelaron will not show up AT ALL because the keyword is no where to be found in the SERP title or description the way it is now.

I'm pretty sure if you change just that we'll see alot more people in here, this forum is aged and shouldn't have a problem with popping up within the Top 10 results for that search phrase.

I'll write up some more tips later. I'm at work right now.

Lenny 2012-03-08 05:05 PM

We need an active admin to even begin doing all of this, alas, and whilst Chruser and WW visit most days, I get the impression that they only drop by to check on things.

Either way, though, a bit of a refresh may do some good for a while. Disturb the mud at the bottom of the pond, as it were, which should give us some activity before everything settles again.

WetWired 2012-03-08 07:23 PM

I certainly don't have time. I barely keep up with my studies. This semester is brutal.

Skurai 2012-03-08 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by Sovereign (Post 696276)
New Forum Suggestion
- Anime and Manga. Bring it back please. There is a decent sized fanbase I'm willing to spend time to bring new content to it.

This would be an easy way to keep me out of regular conversation. I would spend soooo much time here, just giving reviews.

Sovereign 2012-03-08 09:25 PM

What about during the summer?

How hard would it be to make these changes? Do you need to rewrite the code of the website or does vbulletin have some easy forum creator sort of thing.

Lenny 2012-03-09 05:05 AM

There's a forum manager in the Mod CP. Whilst we can see it as SupMods, the only thing we can use it for is to post announcements at the top of each forum.

WetWired 2012-03-09 08:02 AM

Creating and nameing forums is easy enough; merging forums is a bit more work. Mostly I meant I don't have time to actually manage the forum.

kaos 2012-03-09 01:06 PM

I vote for Sovereign, Lenny, or KA to be Admin while you guys are taking a break. They're on here enough :P.

Skurai 2012-03-09 02:03 PM

I agree. I pretty much already consider them admins, anyway, personally.

!King_Amazon! 2012-03-09 02:45 PM

I think we should make everyone but Skurai an admin.

kaos 2012-03-09 07:56 PM

I second that.

Skurai 2012-03-10 08:50 AM

Can I be a Super Mod, then? :o

WetWired 2012-03-10 03:21 PM


!King_Amazon! 2012-03-10 03:43 PM

I still say make him mod of the trash can, but make it the only forum he can see. We can start calling him Oscar.

Skurai 2012-03-10 09:07 PM

Oscar? What?
And all honesty, I wouldn't mind being a mod in the lounge. It's pretty much the only place I post, anyway.

!King_Amazon! 2012-03-10 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by Skurai (Post 696294)
Oscar? What?


Skurai 2012-03-11 10:40 AM

Oh! He was my favorite, when I was little.

Sovereign 2012-03-11 03:52 PM

Thread locked due to faggotry. PM me with good ideas and I will add them to this thread.

Sovereign 2012-03-13 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by D3V
Alright here's a few things I'd like to add

-Thumbs up/Thumbs down of each individual post/reply

-Integration of Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, etc etc (sharing of stories more easily/integrated)

-Fix the YouTube posting method.

-Delete unnecessary forums (you mentioned most of them)

-Zelaron mobile site? -Future members would want easy access. This site has been around for 10 years and hasn't really changed at all. Good/bad?

-Revamp the entire portal. The idea is fantastic, the implementation is soft though.

After we get a few more ideas from whatever active members we have, this thread will get unlocked for discussion.

Just a heads up, any spam or bullshit posts will get a minimum 72 hour ban.

Sovereign 2012-03-17 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by Skurai
This might seem complex, though. Okay, here's the idea:

A playlist, that each of us contribute to. Now, to keep it balanced, each member can have a total of three songs on it, but we can switch out the songs we want at will (that way I couldn't just put a bunch of spammy sounding music, to piss people off, but I still would have the right to at least 3 songs, if I wanted).

Or perhaps the number of songs would be linked to your post number. For example, since I have significantly less posts than !K_A!, let's say I can only put in about three songs, but he can put in a good ten or fifteen.

OR a different (probably better, and maybe even easier to program), we just have one player, but everyone gets their own custom playlist, and each member can just select who's list they want to hear.

Just an idea that might be fun to tinker with.

That would probably require a lot of coding. Maybe an easier thing would be to incorporate youtube playlists. Find the song, make the playlist, and have it automatically go to the next 'track'. An anime board I go to has a youtube tag.


Edit: Yup it works. We can just embed the player on the website. They stay on zelaron the whole time.

I don't think we can, or wetwired will even let us, host actual songs on the website. We don't have permissions from the artists and that leads into a whole lot of copyright bullshit. If we can link to youtube, then the problem is on their end.


Anyone know how to use vbulletin to embed youtube playlists? I can only get individual songs.

Sovereign 2012-03-17 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by Kaos
Theres a vbulletin mod that embeds the cb on the actual homepage.


my photoshop color skills suck but it would look like that but with matching css attributes. i can look it up if u want.

I've asked our resident pot head to look further into it. Thanks Kaos.

Keep the ideas coming guys. No matter how stupid it may sound, we may be able to tweak the idea into a good thing.

In b4 skurai spams my inbox.

WetWired 2012-03-18 01:18 AM

It'd be 50% Rick roll...

Sovereign 2012-03-22 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by Asamin
I really do think that we need to update the metadata info for this site. I've been gone a few years and when I came back there aren't any new people. We say we're a gaming forum but there isn't actually that many forums dedicated to specific games. I think if we did that that could help a lot.

As far as the metadata is concerned, we have:

<meta name="keywords" content="wow,worldofwarcraft,warcraft,d2,diablo,diablo2,diabloii,starcraft,star craft,sc, war craft,,rpg maker,game,gaming,discussion,vbulletin,forum,bbs,bulletin board" />
<meta name="description" content="This is a cool place to hang out and talk about computers, computer games, and life" />

Yes we do have gaming and forums seperate but i've found if you also include them together it'll boost google hits. Also, we do not represent every single game that is listed in a forum. We just have a D2 forum and a general gaming forum. If we make a WoW, SC, Warcraft and such forums then I think it'll really boost how many people sign up and stay.

Never gonna give you up.

Sovereign 2012-03-23 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by kaos
Asamin is right we need to change the meta description to something more relevent in general, but DO NOT use the keywords meta tags. Post titles are automatically updated and since we have general discussion posts with general titles that have nothing to do with the keywords, Google is going to think it's a page about "keyword" but since the page is irrelevent to the actual keywords it's going to rank low.

Zelaron is over 10 years old and still has a pagerank of 1. I have an autoblog that's less than 5 months old that I started it and it's already Pagerank 2. Not saying anyone doing anything wrong, just saying that search engines have changed alot since Zelaron first started and doing a little bit of tweaking can drastically improve our rankings and give us more traffic.

Keep the ideas coming. I'll unlock this thread in a week or so for discussion.

Sovereign 2012-04-12 08:58 AM

Totally forgot. Unlocked if anyone has anything to add.

Asamin 2012-04-17 11:29 AM

From my experience recently, we really need to implement some of these since the only new intro thread since mine has been a bot.

!King_Amazon! 2012-04-17 12:46 PM

Asamin, go look at the introduction forums. We haven't had a real introduction thread for years. Literally.

Asamin 2012-04-17 07:36 PM

Ok so lets have a real debate and get some changes really going. Since me and you seem to be the most active intelligent users (besides Kagom) lets brainstorm. Of all the stuff that we have here so far, what do you think we should do?

!King_Amazon! 2012-04-17 08:48 PM

Delete the forums, sell the domain, split the profits and move on with our lives?

Asamin 2012-04-17 10:21 PM

What profits? What lives? And who would buy the domain Zelaron.com?

!King_Amazon! 2012-04-18 03:44 AM

There are 466,647 sites with a better three-month global Alexa traffic rank than Zelaron.com. While roughly 45% of the site's visitors are in India, where it is ranked #80,048, it is also popular in Pakistan, where it is ranked #53,086. The site's visitors view an average of 6.0 unique pages per day. Approximately 20% of visits to Zelaron.com consist of only one pageview (i.e., are bounces). The site is relatively popular among users in the city of Calcutta (where it is ranked #7,753).

Skurai 2012-04-18 07:06 AM


Originally Posted by Asamin (Post 696996)
What profits? What lives? And who would buy the domain Zelaron.com?

I would. I would buy this place in a heart beat.

Asamin 2012-04-18 09:04 AM


Originally Posted by !King_Amazon! (Post 696998)
There are 466,647 sites with a better three-month global Alexa traffic rank than Zelaron.com. While roughly 45% of the site's visitors are in India, where it is ranked #80,048, it is also popular in Pakistan, where it is ranked #53,086. The site's visitors view an average of 6.0 unique pages per day. Approximately 20% of visits to Zelaron.com consist of only one pageview (i.e., are bounces). The site is relatively popular among users in the city of Calcutta (where it is ranked #7,753).

But still, they're coming for the games and posts. If someone else bought the domain it would be for their own site.

Anyway, so you're basically saying that this is what zelaron now is and will always be? An in active wasteland?

Skurai 2012-04-18 09:38 AM

Why's it so popular is Pakistan of all places? I figured South Korea, since they're big MMO freaks.

Asamin 2012-04-19 07:54 AM

Maybe we're what they think Americans are like. That's a scary thought.

Skurai 2012-04-19 04:09 PM

We basically are, when you break it down.

Grav 2012-04-19 04:50 PM


Pretty much this

Asamin 2012-04-19 05:34 PM

Well, I tried. I gave it my best, but we're just over :P This forum is very much dead. I believe 99% of site traffic is the arcade.

Skurai 2012-04-19 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by Grav (Post 697023)

I giggled.

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