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Vollstrecker 2004-01-12 03:45 AM

How to spawn Diablo Clone!
**Taken straight from Blizzhackers, I claim NO credit**

"How the dclone works:

When you sell a soj and recieve the soj sale message, everyone whose game is hosted on the same server (not realm - just THAT server machine) will get the message. When the sale of a soj spawns the dclone, everyone in a game on that server has the dclone spawn in their game too.

To do this, the seller calls out the last two or three digit number of the ip address of the server they are on. Then, everyone who wants a dclone to spawn creates game after game, checking the ip address of the server they have connected to, until they find one whose ip matches that of the seller. Once the IP's match they just have to wait until the seller triggers a dclone and they will get one as well.

ok.. so I along with a bunch of other people have figured out how to make diablo clone spawn with little problems. I've gotten 6 annihilus charms in the past 2 days from doing it. here is what u do.


1) Play the game until u see a soj counter in the game your in. (this makes u save time and sojs to make him spawn, but any game will work as long as he hasnt already been spawned on that server, which will also work, but takes way longer.)

2) When u see the soj counter, tab out to windows and go to run>cmd. When the window loads, type in "netstat -n" without the quotations. u should get a list of open ip address's on the screen. the one with .4000 as the last 4 numbers is the server you are on that has the soj counter in it. Example: you see sojs counter, type in netstat -n and see the ip address where 180 is the games server u are in.

3) Go to the forums and post that the soj counter is going up in .180 on uswest or whatever realm. This means that someone on that server is already selling sojs to the npc's. then other people on the forums also join .180 and start selling sojs. It can take a while to get on the specified server, usually about 30 tries for me, and dont join/exit games to fast or u will get realm down. It usually takes about 20-40 sojs and the clone will spawn. I have done this 6 times in the last 2 days, so it works. I have screenshots as well if u guys want me to post them.

Good luck. And I promise this works, I have no reason to lie. if u dont believe me, check the general discussion forum on battle.net, its all they are talking about.

And no, this isnt just trial and error, he will spawn, and it DOES have to do with selling sojs. I think this should be stickied, because it works everytime we try it.

Do non ladder sojs count for ladder games? Yes.
Do I have to sell the sojs in the same IP that the counter is going up on? Yes, or else the sojs u are selling will count on that server, and not the one that the counter is already moving on.
Can I sell my sojs in a normal game to get the clone to spawn? Yes, as long as u sell them in the same ip as the people who are waiting in hell games.
How long does it take him to spawn? Generally he will spawn between 20 and 40 sojs, but we've seen him come in as few as 8.
If the counter goes up on .61 in uswest, can he spawn in .61 on east? No because it is a different server. He *CAN* spawn if u sell them on east, but your sojs will not count towards the counter on west."

DirtZ 2004-01-12 10:10 AM

hmm....and the all mistery of a Diablo Clone dissapeared :P

Luhizot 2004-01-12 02:55 PM

omg . to what merchant i have to sell ? im selling sojs to akara and soj counter just appeared once .. me and a friend are both on hell games, on same server, trying to get one charm on ladder and one on non.ladder

shall i sell one soj to each merchant ?

please help


im on East .59 and already sold 14 sojs .. my sojs ended, no dclone yet. i dont got soj counter msg every soj i sell

DeGeNeRo 2004-01-12 05:41 PM

I've seen him come in as few as 3 without using this method. :-/

Vollstrecker 2004-01-12 06:51 PM

It's not really the sojs YOU sell, it how many are sold total. I just had my first one spawn without selling any sojs. Other peeps in other games on 169 server sold 30+

Hyper 2004-01-12 09:12 PM

and for those of us who havnt played in FOREVER and lost everything and might not know what all a diablo clone looks like.. can you post those pictures? My account name is Hyper[eG] ([eG] back when it stood for Elite Gamers.. yes its that old)

Valmar 2004-01-14 09:12 PM

Uber Diablo (d clone) is the game as act 4 diablo on hella steroids basically. He has hella life, regenerates his life, has armageddon and has max res to all elements. He's pretty good but far from unstopable.

Vollstrecker 2004-01-14 11:58 PM

He falls FAST to a Fire Sorc + Conviction pally. Me and a friend put him down in about 30 seconds.

!King_Amazon! 2004-02-01 01:27 AM

Is there any way maybe to tell the game which server you want to join?

Vollstrecker 2004-02-01 02:11 AM

2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by !King_Amazon!
Is there any way maybe to tell the game which server you want to join?

No, that would play hell with Blizz's load distribution. Battle.net creates your game on whatever server seems to look the best, as far as I can tell.

There are *2* different programs I know of that will create games and scan IP for you until you hit the right one. Actually, I will post both as attachments and have been reported clean by my Norton Antivirus 2k4.

Personally, I like the PXLocator better, but then, everyone has their own opinions. :)

EDIT: Actually, this really is good material. Is there any way we could get a sticky on this, Kuja???

Sovereign 2004-02-01 08:11 PM


SlickFic04 2004-02-02 07:15 AM

Question, ok so when u try finding the server with the same ip address as someone who posts the "hot" ip address, now they can be in 2 different games but have the same ip address? or does it have to be in the same game?

Sovereign 2004-02-02 08:01 AM


Originally Posted by SlickFic04
Question, ok so when u try finding the server with the same ip address as someone who posts the "hot" ip address, now they can be in 2 different games but have the same ip address? or does it have to be in the same game?

From what i understand, as long as you are on the same server, i.e. have the same ip adresss, the clone will spawn in your game....i think....

Vollstrecker 2004-02-02 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by SlickFic04
Question, ok so when u try finding the server with the same ip address as someone who posts the "hot" ip address, now they can be in 2 different games but have the same ip address? or does it have to be in the same game?

Basically, what you do, is this...
  1. Someone posts that server .141 is hot
  2. You logon to Battle.net, and create a Hell game.
  3. Check server's IP with the 'netstat -n' routine the method explains.
  4. If it returns xxx.xxx.xxx.141:4000, you're on the server. Wait a few minutes to see if soj counter goes up. If it does, that means just hang around and Clone should spawn eventually if they sell enough sojs. IF you don't see the counter go up, he may have already spawned are you're too late.
  5. If it returns any other server, you save+exit and make a new game. Repeat until you hit the server.
  6. Be careful not too fly in and out of games too fast, as that will get you IP banned for a short amount of time.

Also, for the COMPLETE instructions on how to determine server IP, hit up this thread.

Edit: You could also use one of the programs I attached a few posts above to do the dirty work of creating/scanning for you. :D


zaibatsu- 2004-02-03 05:59 AM

you guys blabb on about selling sojs...yeah right, i was just in my own private game, didnt sell 1 soj, and he popped in bloody foothills in 40mins.

Sovereign 2004-02-03 07:34 AM


Originally Posted by zaibatsu-
you guys blabb on about selling sojs...yeah right, i was just in my own private game, didnt sell 1 soj, and he popped in bloody foothills in 40mins.

You dont necesarily have to sell the soj's...just the people on the same battle.net server...or so it seems O_o...

Vollstrecker 2004-02-03 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by zaibatsu-
you guys blabb on about selling sojs...yeah right, i was just in my own private game, didnt sell 1 soj, and he popped in bloody foothills in 40mins.

Sov has it right. As long as someone is selling sojs on the same server on b.net, the Diablo Clone will spawn in every Hell game on that server. I have tested the method I have posted several times, and it is now confirmed. The thresholds for the soj counter (or random spawn % calculations) is the only mystery now, and only battle.net staff would know about that.

It works, and it is correct. Unless a battle.net admin was to come in and say differently, I wouldn't even waste time wondering if this was wrong.

JustDieFool 2004-02-21 11:59 AM

Yea my Concentrate Barb friend and my 84 Orb MFer take him out in just over a minute.....FBaller/Conv Pala seems to be the best team, though.

dam 2004-02-24 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by JustDieFool
Yea my Concentrate Barb friend and my 84 Orb MFer take him out in just over a minute.....FBaller/Conv Pala seems to be the best team, though.

:confused: do you have to be in hell to take on the clone and what level do you have to be?

Sovereign 2004-02-24 07:11 PM

You can be any level for him to spawn, but a high ass lvl if you plan to take him out. He ONLY spawns in hell.

Vollstrecker 2004-02-24 07:28 PM

Oddly enough, he DOES spawn in Classic too. He just doesn't drop anything.

tidus2005 2004-03-19 08:19 AM


Originally Posted by Sovereign
You can be any level for him to spawn, but a high ass lvl if you plan to take him out. He ONLY spawns in hell.

are you positive i thought he could spawn in norm nightmare and hell just he has a 0% chance in norm to drop anialus charm and 50% in nightmare and 100% in hell i could be wrong but i will look for the info on the summit sometime.

Sovereign 2004-03-19 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by tidus2005
are you positive i thought he could spawn in norm nightmare and hell just he has a 0% chance in norm to drop anialus charm and 50% in nightmare and 100% in hell i could be wrong but i will look for the info on the summit sometime.

99.9 percent sure, yes.

Vollstrecker 2004-03-19 02:38 PM

I heard roughly the same thing too, Tidus. I think I read that on DiabloII.net like RIGHT after patch hit, and it was like 0% / 25% / 100%.

But I have not seen, nor heard of an actual NM or normal spawn, even when perming mules overnight and seeing 30+ "sojs sold" messages. :)

xbsoradx 2004-03-23 11:19 AM

I've seen actual screenshots of people spawnin DC in normal, and i dunt think its 100% to get a anni on hell because i didnt get one....

Vollstrecker 2004-03-23 02:43 PM

That was the day after patch hit on DiabloII.net (when rumors were flying around like crazy), and everyone knows that hasn't been updated for forever + 3 years.

I have not heard of a Normal/NM spawn on the realms. It may be possible someone hacked him into the game on Single Player and took a screenshot.

Would you be able to supply a few of these screenshots?

xbsoradx 2004-03-23 03:42 PM

yea no problem.. i dunno if its real but here it is...

and also this one..

Sovereign 2004-03-23 03:52 PM

few things that bother me here. Number one i dont see a game name or pass, so it seems to be with single player. The patch is right so thats good. But one glaring problem. Doesnt d'clone take the place of any super unique monster. A champion isnt a super unique...... my guess is its a hacked/edited image..

xbsoradx 2004-03-23 05:10 PM

o.. i dunno cause it was posted on diabloii.net

Vollstrecker 2004-03-23 05:33 PM

That is on Single Player, and that was cracked from the beta 1.10 patch.

There was confusion if Uber Diablo was supposed to spawn with regular Diablos or not.

In short, it's a fake.

xbsoradx 2004-03-23 10:11 PM

o sorry about that den...

BlackKnight 2004-03-24 01:48 PM

i think too that it is a hacked/edited game
is this not a normal game?only in hell must "hell" be written...

Vollstrecker 2004-03-24 03:09 PM

The real story on that screenshot, is that some people were playing around with the 1.10 Beta patch, and stumbled across the stats of "Uber Diablo" while playing with the .mpq's. Rumors flew around and people didn't know what he was supposed to look like, or if he was supposed to spawn like a "Champion" or "Unique" kind of Diablo. Some people modded the patch to include Uber Diablo with a band of Diablo minions (much like a unique monster spawns with minions, and those minions are tougher than normal monsters, giving you the "Champion" Diablos).

That is in Normal, and was a screenshot of the modded Beta.

Coren Baine 2004-06-24 05:28 PM

WHERE are you peope getting sooo many soj's that u are selling them? i have beem playing for 1 year and have not even found 1!! am i soo noob, or are you people using duped soj's?

Wolfman 2004-07-17 08:47 PM

Ohhh this sounds interesting... too bad i dont got any soj's :( , or id try and make him pop

id really like to see some pic's and or locations on to whare he is when he pops
Cmon gimme some more info here i know all

Dr. Geekstar 2004-07-18 04:52 PM

3 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Wolfman
Cmon gimme some more info here i know all

plz check the right thread for that, ill post sum screens anyway

Screen 1
Screen 2
Screen 3

edit: they didnt show up again >.< i inserted the links

robotbees 2004-08-22 10:56 PM

2 questions,
1. yeah like the other two i would like to know where you get so many soj's from!
2. where does he spawn? you have to search around and find him?
3. where should we post if we see a message come up so we can tell other people here about it?

...3 questions...

Vollstrecker 2004-08-23 07:37 AM

1.)Trade for them. They've only begun to get value recently.
2.)He spawns in PLACE of the next Superunique monster (Rakanishu, Pindleskin, etc...) that someone activates.
3.)Hit up this thread.

FroZZeN 2004-09-09 12:06 AM

thx very informative post.

Gods-Son818 2004-11-21 08:19 PM

Well i just think its bs sellin sojs unless ur just filthy rich :D well as i was sayin its bs just wait 4 other ppl to sell ive sold over 20 sojs 4 this scam but all i got was a count and dont think i just left the game i stayed in the game like the whole day.

and the reason i got anni the other day was just cuz i joined a game and he came

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