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Dar_Win 2008-04-25 12:06 PM

Who to vote for....
My interpretation is that most people on this board like Obama. I have disliked Hillary and McCain as long as I can remember. Hillary seems clueless on most topics and doesn't seem like a truly strong leader. McCain seems like a more extreme Bush O_O and a liar. I dislike Obama because I think he direction he wants to take this country is very blurred. I like coming out of Iraq, but I don't like some of his other ideas.

I just thought we needed a thread to post articles, videos or whatever about the candidates in an attempt to educate ourselves more.

McCains REAL P.O.W. story

A little history on Obama

I tried to find some videos on Hillary but most were just funny pictures of her or ones supporting her and I don't have enough time to really look for a good informative one right now.

Post your own! Try to post links about more than one candidate or else this thread will just become one sided.

D3V 2008-04-25 12:08 PM

I can tell you almost anything you need to know about any candidate positive or negative. To break it down Hillary is a liar, always has been and always will be. McCain like you said, is just an extreme bush in some sence, he's like a Dick Cheney/Bush hybrid filled with stupidity and arrogance, the worst of both worlds. And Obama really doesn't have much of a story, but IMO he has excellent judgement, which in 99% of the time outweighs any experience.

Thanatos 2008-04-25 01:39 PM

Just saw Obama in his tour bus riding through downtown Indianapolis. He was waving at everyone, then he looked at me and mouthed "The time for change is now, my son."

We had a moment.

hotdog 2008-04-25 03:42 PM

He's Neo in dusguise whatever you do don't take the blue pill.

I don't like McCain as president for the same reason I hear a lot of other people do want him in. He was tortured for 10 years. Yeah if it's not true he is a lying sack of crap. If it is true. He is insane. To tell anyone that he was totured for 10 years was a stupid idea. More importantly though. How did he get captured? Too pussy to shoot himself or go down fighting like other nations soldiers do? So to top it off he may be a coward who lets fear guide his decisions.

Hillary just needs to stop while she is ahead. There is no way in hell she would win against McCain. If people had to choose they would take the dude who hides all those acorns in his cheeks over skeletor. Seriously no one wants a scandal right now. And that is all her family is good for. Sex scandals to be exact. When you are around someone either they rub off on you or you rub off on them. Meaning she is like Bill or Bill is like her. In either case no one wants that again. And democrats are not stupid enough to vote her in anyways. She will just end up being like Bill and dealing with everything on the republican agenda while saying she is a democrat. Once again. No one wants that.

Liars suck and insane people suck. So we are now stuck with a man who has no respect for other peoples traditions. It doesn't matter if you say the pledge or not. I don't. I still stand to show that I respect another persons traditions though. If you cannot even do that then what the hell can you do? You need to be able to respect others before you can truly learn to respect yourself. This coupled with the same syndrome McCain shows. Cowards syndrome. Means he would also be a bad person as a president.

Nominate Richard Dean Anderson and vote for him it's our only hope now.

Dar_Win 2008-04-25 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by hotdog
How did he get captured? Too pussy to shoot himself or go down fighting like other nations soldiers do? So to top it off he may be a coward who lets fear guide his decisions.

Not even close....:rolleyes: .

I don't like him at all and I think he exaggerates about what happened to him after he was captured. But before he was captured he was truly a brave soldier. He was a fighter pilot stationed on an aircraft carrier just off the coast of Vietnam. McCain was getting ready to launch as rocket from another jet shot at McCains in a freak accident not detonating but it caused McCains gas tank to explode. He crawled out after receiving injuries and helped another pilot to escape his burning plane. He was captured after being shot down by a rocket flying over mainland Vietnam. He ejected and parachuted into a small lake where he nearly drowned to death trying to swim to shore. (He broke both arms and a leg if I remember correctly). He was captured when he made it to the shore.

(I read a great book on Vietnam probably 5 times over. It had an entire chapter dedicated to McCain)

hotdog 2008-04-26 08:15 AM


Originally Posted by Dar_Win
Not even close....:rolleyes: .

I don't like him at all and I think he exaggerates about what happened to him after he was captured. But before he was captured he was truly a brave soldier. He was a fighter pilot stationed on an aircraft carrier just off the coast of Vietnam. McCain was getting ready to launch as rocket from another jet shot at McCains in a freak accident not detonating but it caused McCains gas tank to explode. He crawled out after receiving injuries and helped another pilot to escape his burning plane. He was captured after being shot down by a rocket flying over mainland Vietnam. He ejected and parachuted into a small lake where he nearly drowned to death trying to swim to shore. (He broke both arms and a leg if I remember correctly). He was captured when he made it to the shore.

(I read a great book on Vietnam probably 5 times over. It had an entire chapter dedicated to McCain)

According to this I was right on the money. Too pussy to shoot himself or go down fighting like other nations soldiers do. There is no way you could escape with those injuries anyways. Just end it.

HandOfHeaven 2008-04-26 10:29 AM

But, he did escape with those injuries. Quit being stubborn. You're just mad because you've been proven wrong, and McCain is alive. Too pussy to shoot himself? What the fuck!

KagomJack 2008-04-26 03:31 PM

I have to side with you there.

krisvek 2008-04-26 08:46 PM

Please, PLEASE, don't base your political views on videos you watch off of youtube. Maybe listen, watch, and make note, but keep in mind that it represents a minority viewpoint. Minority viewpoints, while not always wrong, are a minority for a reason. That reason is usually because it's wrong.

I will be voting for McCain. I'm not overly excited or happy about it, and I won't be overly upset if the Dems win, no matter who they go with (I can see good things coming from all the candidates, as well as the potential for bad). I base my votes on the issue of abortion alone... it's a stubborn stance, but it's something I feel passionately about. I will not vote for someone who supports killing babies. I'd be willing to discuss the issue further elsewhere if anyone desires, but I don't want to change the topic here :)

hotdog 2008-04-27 12:17 AM


Originally Posted by HandOfHeaven
But, he did escape with those injuries. Quit being stubborn. You're just mad because you've been proven wrong, and McCain is alive. Too pussy to shoot himself? What the fuck!

Not if he was captured. Which he was. Thus he didn't escape. You have yet to prove me wrong. In fact nothing has been said that is a direct counterattack at the statement.

I will be voting for him however since I like his character more than I do Obama's or Clinton's. Not to mention he has military experience. I know for a fact Hillary has none of that. I have no idea about Obama however. He might have been but even so I still don't like his lack of respect towards others. I would rather have respect than talent and I would rather have talent than someone who shares my views. This leaves me with McCain.

Atnas 2008-04-27 11:09 AM

Vote for Ron Paul.

Spread the fucking word.

Dar_Win 2008-04-27 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by Atnas
Vote for Ron Paul.

Spread the fucking word.

He's the man. :D

D3V 2008-04-28 12:02 PM


Originally Posted by hotdog
Not if he was captured. Which he was. Thus he didn't escape. You have yet to prove me wrong. In fact nothing has been said that is a direct counterattack at the statement.

I will be voting for him however since I like his character more than I do Obama's or Clinton's. Not to mention he has military experience. I know for a fact Hillary has none of that. I have no idea about Obama however. He might have been but even so I still don't like his lack of respect towards others. I would rather have respect than talent and I would rather have talent than someone who shares my views. This leaves me with McCain.

Please explain to me how he has no respect for others, I'd say out of any candidate that has ran all election "season" he has been and still is the most respectful of them all.

hotdog 2008-05-12 10:58 AM

When you don't respect someones traditions then you do not respect them, their family, or even their views. The fact is I don't say the pledge of allegiance every day. I think it's crap. But I still stand and remove my hat. I simply leave out the pledge. This shows that even though it's not MY tradition or belief I respect it. Him turning his back to and not standing during such events shows that he has no respect for the nations traditions.

And if he has no respect for the nations traditions then he has no respect for the nation, and if he has no respect for the nation then he has no respect for the nations people, and if he has no respect for the nations people then he has no respect for the individual, and if he has no respect for the individual then he is disrespectful to them.

See that? What I just did? If you have seen one of his commercial ads you would know I just copied him and changed the words. That's right I just raped him with his own speech format.

In the words of my favorite redhead, "TAKE IT LIKE A BOY SCOUT!".

D3V 2008-05-12 11:08 AM


When you don't respect someones traditions then you do not respect them, their family, or even their views. The fact is I don't say the pledge of allegiance every day. I think it's crap. But I still stand and remove my hat. I simply leave out the pledge. This shows that even though it's not MY tradition or belief I respect it. Him turning his back to and not standing during such events shows that he has no respect for the nations traditions.
If you could provide me with one time that this is even true, I may believe some of this bs you're spewing all over the place, but the fact that it is not true, and you are just going off of other crap you've been brainwashed with. Try thinking for yourself and finding out what's true and what isn't. I hope you aren't refferring to Obama, because if you are he is one of the most patriotic people in the Senate and the most running for President. Hell the other candidates are all what this country isn't, Obama is a highly more responsible and accurate representation of this country.


And if he has no respect for the nations traditions then he has no respect for the nation, and if he has no respect for the nation then he has no respect for the nations people, and if he has no respect for the nations people then he has no respect for the individual, and if he has no respect for the individual then he is disrespectful to them.
You still, are just making shit up. Just listen to yourself. Obama is probably the most respectful and insightful person running for the office. He is the only person that has not said war with Iran is good. Both Hillary and McCain have vouched for it, which is disrespectful because they are not an imminent threat. You really need to go out and do some research for yourself and find out that these neo-cons are just feeding you bullshit because they're scared of the 'black-man' getting into the White House.

See that? What I just did? If you have seen one of his commercial ads you would know I just copied him and changed the words. That's right I just raped him with his own speech format.

What? You're being a moron. What you just said was you COPIED him but change the words. Fucking moron, then it wouldn't be copying it, now would it? It would be you making shit up to further your moron marathon.


In the words of my favorite redhead, "TAKE IT LIKE A BOY SCOUT!".
I now regret going through all of this work just to try and prove you wrong when you are in fact hopeless. I regret trying to even help persuade you at all, you are just a worthless drone that is told one thing by somebody who is obviously more intelligent and has more hold over your brain and thoughts than you do, just take your own advice that obviously you've been given before, and take it like a boy scout.

hotdog 2008-05-12 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by D3V
If you could provide me with one time that this is even true, I may believe some of this bs you're spewing all over the place, but the fact that it is not true, and you are just going off of other crap you've been brainwashed with. Try thinking for yourself and finding out what's true and what isn't. I hope you aren't refferring to Obama, because if you are he is one of the most patriotic people in the Senate and the most running for President. Hell the other candidates are all what this country isn't, Obama is a highly more responsible and accurate representation of this country.

L.M.A.O. Someone doesn't pay attention. I am more than sure the media covered this. Even if it didn't I was there when he turned his back to the flag during a pledge.


Originally Posted by D3V
You still, are just making shit up. Just listen to yourself. Obama is probably the most respectful and insightful person running for the office. He is the only person that has not said war with Iran is good. Both Hillary and McCain have vouched for it, which is disrespectful because they are not an imminent threat. You really need to go out and do some research for yourself and find out that these neo-cons are just feeding you bullshit because they're scared of the 'black-man' getting into the White House.

When was the color of a human ever of consequence? You brought that up. Along with nothing important. Show me skill or STFU. I don't want his ideals. His job is the balance out the government and lead the military.


Originally Posted by D3V
What? You're being a moron. What you just said was you COPIED him but change the words. Fucking moron, then it wouldn't be copying it, now would it? It would be you making shit up to further your moron marathon.

If you can't follow context through writing then go back to school. It's obvious that you never payed attention.


Originally Posted by D3V
I now regret going through all of this work just to try and prove you wrong when you are in fact hopeless. I regret trying to even help persuade you at all, you are just a worthless drone that is told one thing by somebody who is obviously more intelligent and has more hold over your brain and thoughts than you do, just take your own advice that obviously you've been given before, and take it like a boy scout.

Typical American behavior. I guess you weren't worth studying after all. Americans are all talk. When it comes time to act they are as potent as an old mans penis. When you insult someone try to do better in the future. This "I'm a young adult and I don't agree with you so I will spam names!" attitude is pathetic.

Let's not mention the part where no one is a drone these days. While people may side with someone they agree with this does not mean they are brainwashed. The proof is your reaction to my last post. Now do something outside the norm and show me you are worth my time. You sit there talking about how *I* am a drone and yet my actions have been purely unique. You however have done nothing I have not seen others do before.

D3V 2008-05-12 11:44 AM

You have yet to show me and posts or proof to anything you are refferring to, until then I am not going to even argue something that another person from another friend's who's cousin told you.

Willkillforfood 2008-05-12 03:07 PM

Your name is hotdog and you refer to penis in your post. I'm seeing a trend.

If you're going to talk shit about a candidate, talk about actual policy issues ...not body language during a pledge recitation. When you grasp at straws like that it just reeks of idiocy.

McCain and Hillary have no respect for your intelligence with their dumb gas tax holiday. It's a way of getting idiots' votes (which I'm guessing yours will be among them.) Obama's going above that, and he's not trying to bring as big a socialistic movement to the health care area. He's also a believer in diplomacy, who would prefer talking to our enemies than antagonizing them. Some call it naive, I call it mature.

Hillary is a bitch. She practices smear tactics and pretty much splits the racist vote with McCain. McCain could conk out in office and give the Vice President control of the reign, which could have all kinds of effects, depending on his running mate.

Atnas 2008-05-12 06:23 PM


r-r-ron p-paul can has tiem on teevee pls? :(

hotdog 2008-05-12 11:13 PM


Originally Posted by Willkillforfood
If you're going to talk shit about a candidate, talk about actual policy issues ...not body language during a pledge recitation. When you grasp at straws like that it just reeks of idiocy.

Once again. I don't care about ideals. Show me talent. I want leadership and skill. Don't post if you are going to post insults because someone doesn't like what you like WKFF.

I couldn't care two figs about gas tax holiday. I couldn't care less about health care plans. That is, the third time I say this, not the presidents job. You may vote based on such things. I don't.

Voting for someone because of the color of their skin, ideals, and policies when they are running for military leadership is that reek of stupidity you are smelling.

Willkillforfood 2008-05-13 06:12 AM


Originally Posted by hotdog
Once again. I don't care about ideals. Show me talent. I want leadership and skill. Don't post if you are going to post insults because someone doesn't like what you like WKFF.

I couldn't care two figs about gas tax holiday. I couldn't care less about health care plans. That is, the third time I say this, not the presidents job. You may vote based on such things. I don't.

Voting for someone because of the color of their skin, ideals, and policies when they are running for military leadership is that reek of stupidity you are smelling.

I'm not voting because of skin color, but policies, YES. I don't know what the fuck you're voting for. You're stuck in some sort of Spartan state-of-mind where you think the military is all that matters, I suppose. Without a vibrant economy you cannot support our huge military. It costs hundreds of billions of dollars to run our military annually (besides any wars, of course.)

Anyways, I'm done discussing this with you. From your response you've depicted yourself as a bit too simple and one-track for my taste. Toodles ;).

Thanatos 2008-05-13 07:34 AM

Wait, so you don't vote for candidates based on their policies? Then why vote? You're like the women who are voting for Hillary for the sheer fact that she's a female.

Let me get this right: you're going to be voting for McCain because he was a POW for years and he has military experience? Since when does that qualify one to become President?

Asamin 2008-05-13 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by Atnas
Vote for Ron Paul.

Spread the fucking word.

Today in Latin class. We had to make 12 modern tasks for Herculese. One of mine was "Vote for Ron Paul...... 9001 times."

D3V 2008-05-13 02:27 PM

Even so. I don't see the military as being factor #1. Where the fuck where they on 9/11? Pearl Harbor? Remember that Anthrax scare? Oklahoma city bombinb. Almost every terrorist attack we've had since the country became relevant the military only acts afterwards. I'd guarntee the FBI/NSA/CIA do more to help our country than anything else.

Coffeedagger 2008-05-13 02:31 PM

Ron Paul

Coriander 2008-05-14 10:57 PM


Originally Posted by Coffeedagger
Ron Paul

Barack Obama

D3V 2008-05-15 09:16 AM

Barack Obama winning is just a matter of time now.

Elizabeth 2008-05-15 10:19 AM

Politics, isn't that just a compound word for many blood sucking insects?

Anyways if I wasn't afraid of getting jury duty, I'd register to vote for Obama, he's an inspirational speaker and from my most recent encounter with him he's a good man off camera as well.

Hilary is just to negligent, she speaks pretty much out of her ass.

Willkillforfood 2008-05-17 08:32 AM

I was trying to goto the County Clerk's office the other day ...it was closed because of Bill Clinton speaking next door. So ...I got to sit there through his entire speech. It was like 1.5 hours of my life that was wasted :(. It was cool seeing him and all, but my God, he could have wrapped it up a bit quicker.

Demosthenes 2008-05-17 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by hotdog
L.M.A.O. Someone doesn't pay attention. I am more than sure the media covered this. Even if it didn't I was there when he turned his back to the flag during a pledge.

YEA! Don't vote for that Muslim!

NonGayMan 2008-05-17 11:46 AM

I'll probably vote for Ron Paul but knowing the powers that be it won't count, so I'm not sure I'll even vote. I don't trust McCain or Obama or Hilary. I'm not sure why Obama has gone to such great lengths to hide his Islamic heritage. If he was elected President he'd be the first Arabic/Islamic president, not first African-American president. The reason that sort of bothers me is because of how separatist his beliefs are, just look at the 'church' he attended. He's lied about the bills he's passed, keeps changing his departure from Iraq date, says he's against Iraq, but yet has voted to fund it every single time. His wife and his friends Farrahkan and Wright (he didn't even directly 'denounce' Wright) are quite anti-American and pro-separatist, and very pro-cult and racist. He's lied about his connections to Rezko. If he disagreed with his church for all these years why did he get married there, donate so much money to it, etc. He says he has the best plane to cure the mortgage crisis and yet he's made so much subprime cash. He voted "yes" on allowing illegal aliens to participate in Social Security (one reason I like Ron Paul is because he's firmly against illegal immigration). I know all three of them are in love with illegal aliens but imo Obama would be the worst in this regards. His foreign policy is pretty good though I'll give him that; however I still cannot find myself trusting this guy.

Either way I think America will suffer, but McCain is the lesser of the evils, and he has more experience, and has less of a shady background. If I thought Ron Paul had any chance of winning I'd be more satisfied with this election, but he's not, so now I'm just hoping Hilary and Obama don't win, rather than wanting McCain to actually win, if that makes sense.

Willkillforfood 2008-05-18 11:06 AM

Ron Paul doesn't have an ice cube's chance in hell of being elected. For sure.

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