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D3V 2008-04-29 06:46 AM

Diablo III May 1st Announcement
Whatever is revealed will definately be posted here ASAP, and as the time draws closer the conspiracies grow larger and larger. What sucks really is the Diablo crowd has waited for so long for anything, and now this could just be another Hoax/Publiblicity stunt, who knows? Possibly Blizzard purchasing the domain? Who has any idea.. That would be the best thing, as if they purchase the domain atleast then anything on there from then on would be official, or maybe they just want to silent the fans.

Here's a snippett from the WoW forums.


Diablo3.com - Now, a few days ago a counter began on this website. Set to end on May 1st. Above this counter reads, Number of day's until half the web links to diablo3.com. But why?

Now, they claim that it is not an official announcement of Diablo 3 by blizzard, but will not say what it is. Now as i noticed this, i also noticed that the forum list's on Worldofwarcraft.com have changed. They have changed the Realm and PVP Realm location, and if you look under Star Craft 2, you will see an opening for another forum. Could this be Diablo 3, which could be announced May 1st? Will this coincide with the International Blizz-con? I don't know but i was hoping for a blue post to tell me i'm wrong.

Also, from Diablo3.com itself here is the direct last post they have uploaded...


In the past days there have been a lot of activity in the network sites after the countdown teaser. A few forum threads keep continuous debate between Diablo fans of what this announcement will be. I have given a few responses of what it is not, to make sure fans won't be thinking the wrong thing. We have made no claims and expect fans to not get caught up with the wave of speculations and rumors in the forums and the web to the point to believe them.

With that said, I will mention some of those I have ruled out since it seems fans haven't thoroughfully read all the forum posts in said thread.

Things the May 1 Announcement are not:
1. It is not an official announcement of Diablo 3
2. It is not about an upcoming Diablo novel
3. It is not a Network merge

Only Blizzard Entertainment may make an official announcement of games, unless we had a leak. However, we have no leaks. We know as much as you do whether or not there will or not be an announcement at the Blizzard Worldwide Invitationals. We do have our own set of theories such as the Blizzard Worldwide Invitationals ending the same day Diablo II was released (June 29 2000) and Diablo II: Lord of Destruction expansion being released (June 29, 2001). We will all have to wait and see what happens.

There are complete Wiki pages out there that go into great detail. Now, I don't want to knock the other D3 May 1st threads, but this way atleast guests and others lookin in can find another "official" link to this story, and be sure, that when it breaks, this post will be updated for everyone to see.

Titusfied 2008-04-29 07:02 AM

I would actually get this game, even with full knowledge that DII almost ruined my life. :D

Willkillforfood 2008-04-29 07:29 AM

Agreed. I'm so tempted to play D2:LOD again since I saw my friend playing it. God...anyways, we'll know soon enough what the announcement is.

D3V 2008-04-29 12:38 PM



Originally Posted by Blizzplanet.com
The countdown teaser is reaching its end in two days, and I just wanted to share with Blizzplanet's audience a few things in case you can't load this fansite. Blizzplanet is hosted on Diablo3.com servers, which means nearing May 1 the servers might crash or lag with so many connections served per second.

I recommend everyone to register to the diablo3.com forums with a valid email.
Make sure to unblock @diablo3.com and check your Junk Mail folder in the next two days.

Those who want to sit at the IRC channel may do so at irc.gamesurge.net channel #diablo3

We are making as many preparations as possible so everyone is able to find out what happens on May 1. If you miss any of those backup-means to inform you, don't worry ... half-the-gaming sites on the web will most likely be announcing it too in your favorite language. =)

Don't forget to tell your family, friends, and online buddies to check out and bookmark Diablo3.com -- things are getting interesting.

Don't worry, I haven't sold Blizzplanet, and it is not merging. Blizzplanet is considered a sister site of Diablo3.com and I have become co-webmaster of said community which currently spans to 23,299 forum members and growing as I speak.

I will be going to the Blizzard Worldwide Invitationals along with Kazo (Kazatel) to bring you coverage on behalf of Blizzplanet, Diablo3.com and StarcraftTwo. So make sure to check us back for any photos, info and video we can bring.


2 more days, I love building hype, especially if we're all let down, some sort of weird devil's advocate personailty or something.

Asamin 2008-04-29 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by Willkillforfood
Agreed. I'm so tempted to play D2:LOD again since I saw my friend playing it. God...anyways, we'll know soon enough what the announcement is.

Same here but it is because I got an Intel mac and there is no way to play D2 on an Intel. This is one big reason why I hate mac.

D3V 2008-04-29 01:15 PM

Your processor's brand had not one thing to do with you being alotted to play Diablo 2, I can guarntee you that.

Asamin 2008-04-29 01:22 PM

For mac, the requierments are as follows:

* MacOS 8.1 or Higher
* G3 Processor or equivalent
* 64 MB RAM plus Virtual Memory
* 800MB available hard drive space (in addition to original Diablo II Multiplayer install).
* 4X CD-ROM drive
* Video support for 256 color display at 800x600 Resolution

I can't install it. See.

HandOfHeaven 2008-04-29 01:26 PM

I'm excited. So excited, that I might run naked down East College Drive if it is Diablo 3.

Asamin 2008-04-29 01:30 PM

Please don't.

D3V 2008-04-29 01:30 PM

You said your processor was holding it back, not Mac. I'm not exactly sure how you install D2 on a MAC, but i'll google it later for you. It's MAC that is the problem, not your Intel.

Asamin 2008-04-29 01:32 PM

Intel is the problem. I have it installed on a Power PC mac. That is what the game was written for. You think I have not tried everything?

-Spector- 2008-04-29 01:36 PM

I will masturbate to the announcement if it's Diablo 3.

Asamin 2008-04-29 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by D3V
You said your processor was holding it back, not Mac. I'm not exactly sure how you install D2 on a MAC, but i'll google it later for you. It's MAC that is the problem, not your Intel.

HOLY SHIT! It worked! Even the Native installer never worked before. Now it does. WTF??!!

D3V 2008-04-29 01:43 PM

Told you, I didn't feel like arguing, but idk. It's MAC that is/was your problem, guess you installed an update for it or something? Who knows..

Willkillforfood 2008-04-29 01:43 PM

If it isn't something great and diablo 3 related then they're going to lose A LOT of clout. They better not be making shit up.

D3V 2008-04-29 01:45 PM

I'm becoming more skeptical of it the more I read, but who knows, we all may be suprised. I just don't want it to be something stupid and unrelated like a Diablo movie, or a new line of books or something..

Asamin 2008-04-29 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by D3V
Told you, I didn't feel like arguing, but idk. It's MAC that is/was your problem, guess you installed an update for it or something? Who knows..

It was not mac but the fact that it was made to be installed on 9.-- operating systems. I have 10.5.2.

HandOfHeaven 2008-04-29 01:48 PM

Who knows, it could be some awesome game none of us have ever thought of or even dreamed of before!

D3V 2008-04-30 03:23 PM

Well,whatever it might be will be dropped tomorrow, hopefully this isn't a carefully orchestrated Rick Roll... we'll see.


Anyways, there is a link to their open Chatroom.

HandOfHeaven 2008-04-30 11:21 PM


-Spector- 2008-04-30 11:28 PM

hmm... chat box doesn't seem to be working for me. In both IE and Firefox.

D3V 2008-05-01 07:35 AM

Well, here is the official statement by the website


Ahoy there, fellow Diablo fans!

Well, there's no point in beating around the bush any longer, so let's get right down to it. A few months ago we were contacted by Blizzard in regards to the Diablo3.com domain name. While they appreciate all the work that's been put into running this big Diablo fan community over the years, they still want the domain name. Hmm, I wonder why? Now before you get all up in arms about it, allow me to explain a few things.

First off, this fan site isn't going anywhere, it's just getting a new name: Diablofans.com! Blizzard is actually being really cool about it, giving us all the time we need to make it a smooth transition before we hand the old domain over to them. So be sure to update all of your bookmarks and point 'em to diablofans.com instead. Your user accounts will all still be perfectly functional and, along with this new site name, we'll soon have a big site redesign up and running as well. A new name, a new look. Huzzah!

Secondly, while Blizzard is indeed acquiring the diablo3.com domain name, they told me that this shouldn't be considered an announcement for the Diablo 3 game we've been waiting for all these years. They acquire new domains all the time. While this is true, I personally can't help but think that this is a confirmation of sorts that they're working on the next Diablo game. Sure, they can claim it's because they want to protect their intellectual properties 'n what have you, but I can't imagine they would all of a sudden be so interested in the diablo3.com domain if they weren't working on a new Diablo 3 game behind the scenes.

On a final note, I want to thank all of you guys who've made this community so strong over the years. It's only going to get better around here and I hope you'll all stick with us. One of the nice things about this whole name-change ordeal is that Blizzard really appreciates the fact that we're a dedicated fan site and we'll be working with them much more closely in the future to bring you the latest Diablo game news.

It's funny, I've had so many offers over the years from people who wanted to pay a lot o' cash for the diablo3.com domain name and I wasn't even willing to consider then. I set out to have a great Diablo fan site because I simply loved the Diablo series. Fortunately, with the help of some great people on the staff and fans like you, we accomplished just that. But when Blizzard came around asking for the domain, I was excited about it both as a Diablo fan and for their recognition of all the work we've put into the site. Fortunately for us, the diablofans.com domain name was available and it fit perfectly in line with the intentions of this site, so I registered it and here we are. Diablo3.com will still be active for a few more months so everybody can have a chance to get used to the new Diablofans.com domain. After that, it will simply point to the Blizzard.com homepage... at least until they're ready to use it for something more worthwhile. One of the nice things about the new diablofans.com domain is that it's all-encompassing. Instead of the site just being for people waiting on Diablo 3, it can serve as the main hub for *all* current and future Diablo games. Isn't it nice to know you'll always have a place online you can call home? Hey, even Diablo's demon minions need a place to hang their hats too.

Alright, that's all the news for now. I'm sure all of this news is gonna get the Diablo 3 rumor mill running like a mad banshee... so have fun discussing the announcement with your fellow Diablo fans!
Odd, it's now www.diablofans.com .. Well, basically we're still where we started just a very tiny small step closer towards Diablo 3, atleast with the acquisition of the domain name, there can be a bit more skepticism.

!King_Amazon! 2008-05-01 07:38 AM


They announced it last night.

D3V 2008-05-01 07:41 AM

It was a bit overhyped, but they also mentioned if you hadn't noticed in June that Blizzard will be taking over. And that would leave it one month short of that WWI..

!King_Amazon! 2008-05-01 07:48 AM

Yep, WWI is June 28th/29th. I'm pretty excited myself.

D3V 2008-05-01 07:55 AM

Same here, same here. I don't know why because I clearly read that this would not be a Diablo 3 announcement, and that they weren't doing etc etc etc. I guess I should've seen this coming, however, I feel it nice that Blizzard went ahead and swiped up that domain name, as it is the most prominent one that they would possibly need, and in fact use for the offical game site (diablo2.com/starcraft.com ..etc). I guess we are just going to have to wait longer and see, once again. June isn't too far from now and Blizzard could easily throw some sort of teaser site up then, or not. If they had some good marketing they could have that website up at the begenning of June, create a huge amount of hype by the Worldwide invitational and have plenty of basically free traffic coming onto their sites.

The possibilities are endless, I guess we just wait and see, once again.

!King_Amazon! 2008-05-01 06:28 PM

There's no way they would have a Diablo 3 teaser site up before the WWI. I would expect it to come up right after they announce it at the WWI. I don't think they'll even really hint at it much at the WWI. All they will say is that they have a big announcement.

-Spector- 2008-05-01 07:24 PM

Meh >.>

Asamin 2008-05-01 07:54 PM

What is WWI??

D3V 2008-05-02 07:07 AM

World wide invitational, I think it's based in France. A huge Gaming convention, thing. It's like E3 and Blizzcon.

-Spector- 2008-05-02 12:19 PM


It's World War One!


Asamin 2008-05-02 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by -Spector-

It's World War One!


I meant besides this.

HandOfHeaven 2008-05-02 10:03 PM

Lollerskates at Asamin!

I hope that Diablo 3 at least comes out before I graduate college in 2011.

Kaneda 2008-05-02 10:10 PM

Hoax. Links to Blizzard talking about this? Otherwise I'll be saying told you so. Maybe they will annouce it at WWI but this is just a great forum move. Blizzard is the only official site, they don't need Diablo2.com or starcraft.com.

Asamin 2008-05-03 02:16 PM

Do they even have those domains?

PureRebel 2008-05-04 12:49 AM

i can confidently say i think thats bogus. as kaneda said why would they use any domains other than blizzard.com/battle.net for their games when they dont have to.

!King_Amazon! 2008-05-04 02:27 AM

They use Starcraft2.com and worldofwarcraft.com. They seem to be headed in the direction of having specific domains for each of their games.

D3V 2008-05-04 09:55 AM

I would imagine it's easier for them to operate solely with each individual game. As you've got to figure Worldofwarcraft.com probably gets a shit load of traffic, and if you were to combine it with diablo2, and starcraft as well as whatever other crap Blizzard floats around you'd have a server cluster fuck and plenty of downtime. If they individualize each game to meet the certain needs and bandwidth usage they don't have to worry about a clusterfuck, that's why.

Willkillforfood 2008-05-04 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by D3V
I would imagine it's easier for them to operate solely with each individual game. As you've got to figure Worldofwarcraft.com probably gets a shit load of traffic, and if you were to combine it with diablo2, and starcraft as well as whatever other crap Blizzard floats around you'd have a server cluster fuck and plenty of downtime. If they individualize each game to meet the certain needs and bandwidth usage they don't have to worry about a clusterfuck, that's why.

Agreed. As it is World of Warcraft is often times laggy if not inoperable when there is any sort of server shut down. It's obvious they could do them all from the same site but it'd be more tedious for the consumer.

Kaneda 2008-05-04 01:01 PM

Hmm I suppose. I just figured since they didn't do diablo2.com and starcraft.com. Although those (aside from warcraft 1/2) really kinda "started" Blizzards new era.

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