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Chruser 2004-05-21 12:55 PM

Idiot of the month
If you thought the old-school AIM logs posted in the flame forum were bad, just wait. I'm not in the mood to clean this log up tremendously, so I'll just post it. If you have any less "intelligent" logs on your chart, feel free to post them.

flute8806: hi
flute8806: i am a friend of jonathan's
flute8806: how are you?
flute8806: you are hott and xesy
flute8806: sexy
flute8806: are you a girl?
flute8806: my bad...
flute8806: or are you a he/she
flute8806: hehehhehehehehe
flute8806: why arent you freakin' talking to me?
flute8806: are you intimidated? bye ne
flute8806: jk
flute8806: lol
flute8806: well i have to go i will talk to you later sexy mama
Zelaron: uh, hello
Zelaron: *rolleyes*
flute8806: why did you roll your eyes at me
Zelaron: who is this?
flute8806: are a girl or a boy?
Zelaron: how did you find me?
flute8806: a friend of jonathan
flute8806: he gave me your s/n
Zelaron: I don't know a jonathan
flute8806: lol
Zelaron: what's his s/n?
flute8806: are you a girl or a boy?
flute8806: another denison
flute8806: hahahahhaha
flute8806: i knew
flute8806: it
Zelaron: that sounds familiar
flute8806: yeah
Zelaron: knew what?
flute8806: jonathan denison you know him?
Zelaron: no, I don't.
flute8806: you have to
flute8806: ............
Zelaron: really?
Zelaron: I think not.
flute8806: yeah i think so...........
Zelaron: feel free to think whatever you want to
Zelaron: if caring was measured in distance, THIS is how much I care: ||
flute8806: ok like that makes any sense2
flute8806: his name is rusher656 on a forum
flute8806: now do you know him?
Zelaron: perchance.
flute8806: ok is that a yes or a no
flute8806: i think that means yes but i am not sure
flute8806: well sry sweetstuff but i have to go ttyl
flute8806: bye
Zelaron: ad interim, I subsequently consider you to be abstruse
flute8806: ok whatever


flute8806: hi it is me again
flute8806: the friend of jonathan denison
Zelaron: the person I almost know.
flute8806: i talked to you last tuesday afternoon
flute8806: yeah
flute8806: why dont you know jonathan
flute8806: ???
flute8806: why not?
flute8806: why isnt his cousin online right now
flute8806: she is suppoed to be online>>>
flute8806: ...
flute8806: why aren't you even talking to me
flute8806: ???
Zelaron: cause I'm busy
flute8806: why are you busy?
flute8806: doing what?
Zelaron: stuff
flute8806: ok?
flute8806: well you dont need to gte the message.....
flute8806: you could just keep talking to me about whatever you want
flute8806: ......??????
flute8806: sooooo....
Zelaron: so yeah
flute8806: what do you want to talk about?
Zelaron: um
Zelaron: nothing, really?
flute8806: are you a boy or a girl?
Zelaron: wow, the eloquence
flute8806: you never answered me
Zelaron: does it matter? :)
flute8806: yes
flute8806: it does
Zelaron: interesting.
flute8806: why wouldn't it matter?
flute8806: so what are you?
flute8806: gender.....
Zelaron: because you're bisexual?
Zelaron: heh
flute8806: sure i am why not?
flute8806: jk
flute8806: NO
Zelaron: interesting
flute8806: interesting
flute8806: stop saying that
flute8806: what is up with your icon?
flute8806: ?????
flute8806: you are really annoyign and i dont even know you......
flute8806: annoying*
flute8806: omg
Zelaron: sucks, doesn't it?
flute8806: yeh
flute8806: yeah
Zelaron: good.
flute8806: *
flute8806: not goos
Zelaron: I like when you're unhappy
flute8806: good*
flute8806: why?
Zelaron: because I'm sadistic
flute8806: you dont even know me
flute8806: ok?
Zelaron: I know you well enough
flute8806: so what....??????
Zelaron: so I revel in your suffering.
Zelaron: and I need music
Zelaron: you pick for me.
flute8806: NO
flute8806: you have to answer me first....
Zelaron: I see
flute8806: girl or boy.??
Zelaron: but that's not a fair deal
Zelaron: so I'll just choose on my own
Zelaron: team dark, it is
flute8806: yes is is
flute8806: it is*
Zelaron: sorry mister.
flute8806: ok whatever
flute8806: i am guessing that you are a girl bc boys wouldn't write with the color pink or talk with big words that they wouldnt know what they meant
flute8806: whatever
Zelaron: and obviously, the fact that I use big words makes me a girl?
Zelaron: because it implies that I'm an intelligent individual?
flute8806: pink
flute8806: no
flute8806: i am a girl anyways and i dont want to talk to you anymore
Zelaron: I see.
flute8806: peace
Zelaron: take care
flute8806: fuck off
Zelaron: I love you too
flute8806: asshole
Zelaron: I am.
flute8806: i know
Zelaron: I'm glad we understand each other then
Zelaron: *bursts out in laughter*
flute8806: you are a fuckin retard
Zelaron: must be, since I use big words that you don't understand :)
Zelaron: and what does that make YOU?
Zelaron: that's your fifty-million dollar question for you.
Zelaron: so if I was a mean girl, would you have sex with me?
flute8806: i understand but if you were a boy then you wouldnt understand what you were saying
flute8806: no i am not bi
Zelaron: and if I was a boy, you'd just consider me to be a complete asshole, I assume?
Zelaron: heh.
Zelaron: I just assume you lack intelligence, but you may be deceptive
Zelaron: prove me wrong.
flute8806: how?
flute8806: am i supposed to do that?
Zelaron: start off by telling me what intelligence is?
Zelaron: to you
Zelaron: not what the dictionary says.
flute8806: how am i supposed to do that?
flute8806: being a smart gilr
flute8806: girl*
Zelaron: you are?
flute8806: yes i am
Zelaron: why so?
flute8806: are you?
Zelaron: maybe I am.
flute8806: bc i get good grades
flute8806: okay?
Zelaron: that means you can answer a multiple choice test correctly, on time
Zelaron: which is unrelated to being smart
flute8806: you are either a very nerdy boy or a smart girl
flute8806: fuckw you
Zelaron: assumptions are dangerous, miss.
flute8806: fuck*
Zelaron: fuck me.
flute8806: yeah
flute8806: that is what i said
Zelaron: obviously so
flute8806: then why did you say it again
flute8806: ?
flute8806: retard
Zelaron: you're 84% amusing
Zelaron: but not really
flute8806: okay?
flute8806: whatever
flute8806: i really dont want to talk to you so stop iming me
Zelaron: fine, be a loser then.
flute8806: you are the freakin loser i am not going to talk to you again if you dont freakin' tell me if you are a girl or a boy
Zelaron: *waits for wise-ass remark*
Zelaron: too slow.
Zelaron: pity.
Zelaron: fine, then never talk to me again.
Zelaron: bye?
flute8806: bye?
flute8806: i hope you go to hell
Zelaron: with pleasure.
flute8806: and rot
flute8806: hopefully soon
Zelaron: mm, yeah baby
Zelaron: so now I know you go to church on Sundays, too
Zelaron: interesting
*** Error while sending IM: This user is currently not logged on


flute8806: hi again
flute8806: loser
flute8806: you are a girl
flute8806: haaaahhahahh
flute8806: lol
flute8806: how do i know you ask?
Zelaron: in fact, I don't ask anything
flute8806: ok
flute8806: well..........
flute8806: i asked jonathan
flute8806: hahahhahaahahah
flute8806: lol
flute8806: why wouldnt you have asked me?
Zelaron: Why wouldn't I have asked you WHAT exactly?
flute8806: sheila doesnt like you
flute8806: nvm
Zelaron: sheila?
Zelaron: what the hell are you talking about?
flute8806: you dont remember
flute8806: last night?
flute8806: sheela?
flute8806: i meant
flute8806: she told me that i spelled it wrong
Zelaron: ...
Zelaron: well, why am I not surprised?
Zelaron: oh BEWARE of the harrowing stupefaction.
flute8806: what the hell are you freakin' talking abotu?
flute8806: about*
Zelaron: I'm just concluding that you're a frivolous kind of person
Zelaron: aren't you?
flute8806: sure i dont know what the hell that means but thats okay i guess
flute8806: i never said that i was a smartass
Zelaron: allow me to stabbingly stab you in the face with a fork, you taradiddle
Zelaron: do you like me enough to have sex with me?
flute8806: hell no
flute8806: i hate your fuccking guts
Zelaron: fine, do you hate me enough to have sex with me, then?
flute8806: why wouldd i ddo anything with you
flute8806: i dont even know if you are human
flute8806: or a boy or a girl
Zelaron: life just sucks sometimes, don't you think?
Zelaron: maybe I'm just an inhuman monster.
flute8806: yeah and you suck dick
flute8806: dont you?
flute8806: thats what i have heard
Zelaron: sorry, I wouldn't sink as low as you.
flute8806: sure you would
Zelaron: well, if you put it that way...
flute8806: yeah
flute8806: exactually
flute8806: exactly*
Zelaron: http://www.zelaron.com/gear/read.jpg
flute8806: wht the hell is taht ffor?
Zelaron: for people like you.
Zelaron: your last phrase kind of speaks for itself.
flute8806: sry you were making me mad and i was trying to type faster
flute8806: lol
flute8806: dont get all smartass with me
Zelaron: considering it took four minutes for you to type that last sentence...
flute8806: no it didnt
flute8806: i was talking to someone else
flute8806: i have friends unlike someone i know
Zelaron: I'm sure you were.
flute8806: didnt you know that i have freakin friends
flute8806: ok you keep thinking that
Zelaron: the fact that you would have friends kind of defies the laws of physics
flute8806: asshhole
flute8806: that doesnt even make sense thanks ttyl bye whatever
flute8806: bye
flute8806: fuck off
Zelaron: or as Einstein would have said, "E=mc^2, you=stupid"
flute8806: bye
Zelaron: bye love.
*** Error while sending IM: This user is currently not logged on

Gunbound 2004-05-21 01:03 PM

Well, she sounds like an idiot but to tell you the truth I didn't read the whole thing cuase I'm in computer class and I don't have a whole lot of time

Wanderer 2004-05-21 01:04 PM


Tyrannicide 2004-05-21 01:07 PM

ROFL...what a bitch...she is annoying. I give you props Chruser.

Tai 2004-05-21 01:13 PM

lmao SCORE for chruser... XD;

jiyeonee 2004-05-21 01:29 PM

that is.. so stupid.. omg.. i should IM that person.. and act just like em.. huh? ahahah xP
hope ur happy.. not only did i 'add' this link.. i REGISTERED TOO!! xP
and.. i put u as my referrerrrerererererrrr k??

D3V 2004-05-21 01:41 PM

So this means Chruser is the idiot of the month?

Acer 2004-05-21 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by Chruser
flute8806: you are really annoyign and i dont even know you......

Best part! I just laughed

Grav 2004-05-21 02:06 PM

I go through this shit often.. in real life.

Chruser 2004-05-21 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by GravitonSurge
I go through this shit often.. in real life.

I hope you weren't being literal.

And D3V, no offense, but die.

Grav 2004-05-21 02:29 PM

Take out the 'are you a boy or a girl' part and basically, yes.

Metallica_boh 2004-05-21 02:31 PM

Hye dont bash stoopid peeps okays?

Nah, J/K. I love making fun of stupid people it makes them so mad at their own unintelligence that they make funny comments and just make you laugh so hard that you might fall you of your chair.

Chruser 2004-05-21 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by GravitonSurge
Take out the 'are you a boy or a girl' part and basically, yes.

Much better. But really, I still find what you said hard to believe. I don't encounter anyone that lame over here, ever. The worst people over here tend to group up in gangs for 8-15 people and try to outwit people randomly. Which never, of course, works. Fools.


Originally Posted by Metallica_boh
I love making fun of stupid people it makes them so mad at their own unintelligence that they make funny comments and just make you laugh so hard that you might fall you of your chair.

I don't love to make fun of stupid people. Sometimes, I just make spontaneous remarks, but really, I hated this whole conversation with all of my guts.

Jamesadin 2004-05-21 02:37 PM

Ive noticed 98% of girls on the internet are like that. :\

!King_Amazon! 2004-05-21 02:59 PM

98% of the girls on the internet are guys. The rest are depressed fat pill eating bitches with psychological problems and suicidal thoughts.

uncapped 2004-05-21 03:15 PM

You just fucking owned Jessifer.

Titusfied 2004-05-21 04:19 PM

No, I believe you just did.

Jessifer 2004-05-21 04:28 PM

Damn! They've found out! You said you would keep it a secret, KA! You lying bastard!


...Feh. :rolleyes:

slaynish 2004-05-21 04:32 PM

slaynish: you have pink text?
Zelaron: no.
slaynish: Okay. I was reading your thread, i found it quite ammusing.
Zelaron: I bought a bottle of blue ink
slaynish: Erm...
slaynish: Thats nice
Zelaron: it is
slaynish: yes..
Zelaron: the ultramarine ink was expensive
slaynish: yes
slaynish: i agree.
slaynish: fag
( Block )


Chruser 2004-05-21 04:43 PM

Ugh, when I upgrade vB, I'll make sure to see if I can add a "minimum-IQ-to-be-able-to-access-thread"-hack. And slaynish, join D3V and jump off a cliff or something equally creative. Preferably a high one. With sharp rocks below. Coated in ricin. And lava.

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