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Posted 2005-10-08, 11:29 PM in reply to Lenny's post "Bush: God told me to invade Iraq"
[EDIT]Warning, this is a long post, just wrote off the top of my mind... really long post.[EDIT OVER]

Please forgive the fact that I haven't been here for a while, real life reeled me back in... In any case. Lately I played a few games, some I played this past summer were made by Koei and I realize that politics today is not much different then it was nearly two thousand years ago. Corrupt officials still lie about, others virtuous are still here and there, yet even if they do act, those with more ties go to higher places and greater grounds controlling justice from the curtains and manipulating it to their own will.

Though, as I look at the history of China, it seems war was always made with a solid reason, such as a corrupt empire that would need to be reborn, or fighting for the people's sake or whatnot. Makes me wish it was the kingdom of Shu that won. Religion also seems to be the only reason why China didn't invade Europe at the time... in any case, now getting on subject.

Considering the majority of people in the US are christian, and considering the amount of people whom are ignorant, less educated, easily gullible, caught by fear and currently under faith with multiple wishes, hopes and belief that they will be saved just by having to sit on their asses all day long, or stand up, and pray to a higher being... It makes it easy to manipulate these people just by making mention of god, or of any religious terms or anything that makes the US divine or divinely blessed or overall, just good.

But considering the long background that the US has had, it's more self-righteous then anything else and has actually impeded upon the may different areas and is quite an unstable and unsafe place, with many injustice and corruption where freedom is but a light illusion given to the people. Without proper rules you cannot properly guide people into a righteous path, here in Canada, the rules can be quite tough, specially the taxes, but overall we all benefit more.

If the world was filled with naturally Virtuous people, these kind of problems would be long gone, but unfortunately the nature of man is not inherently good, though to some, they are. With this, Religion does play a role in our society as it teaches us many different ethics and morals... But still, these things are written by man and interpreted by man as well, this causes more problems which can lead to more corruption. In the end, all that matters is one's own self, spirituality and capability of learning more about the truth and lies in life.

I'm buddhist myself, yet I'm not all that religious, I pray yes, but nowadays I have been thinking to myself: "I pray to the earth, to the sky, to the spirits of my ancestors and in certain times, to the moon, to stories of old... Have I ever prayed to a god? Even so, I pray, yet I pray selfishly for my own good or for the good of those I know, what of the joy of those I pray to." With this line of thoughts, we're like children, selfishly asking for more and more, wanting to be spoiled by a greater power... Yet, should we not give something back first? But how do you want to give something back to someone you've never met...

To this, comes the next solution, work for it yourself. With this, religion becomes more like a guideline rather then a code or a rule. It becomes a suggestion, not something to be taken so radically, and with that, the ties to the people loosens and with this the more corrupt beings will no longer be able to hold the heart of others in fear of divine retribution or of the "evils" which surrounds their inherently "holy" lands and people whom live within them.

I've seen somewhere in a video that "All it takes for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing." Or something along the line... Why don't the people of the US decide to shape up and act? Or are they truly so ignorant or so lazy that they can't do anything about it. Then again, I'm no better myself, after all I speak more then I act, yet still, words carry weight and strenght and can rally men to righteous causes, just as they can to corrupt ones, such as those depicted by the current, much unfortunate for the entire world, president of the united state, sir Bush who's last name only reminds you of something located between your legs.

Educate the people properly and they will not follow blindly a corrupt dictator. Leave them ignorant of disastrous events and their hearts will not be filled with fear. Keep their virtues seeded deep inside their heart, else they shall fail their kin....

Whoops, gone on a wrong rant here, oh well, no sense wasting what I wrote, I'll post it. Final words, this corrupt man has gone long enough, he will be written down upon the many different scrolls and books of histories as an avatar of cruelty, stupidity and fascism, a being filled with greed, blinded by the voices in his head and leaning to insanity, comparable to many great evil that has unfortunately plagued this world. But before this happen, we can only hope that... wait what am I saying, we can hope that this can end rapidly and act for it to happen, wether through our lack of action, or through our actions against this senseless homocide on both sides.
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