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Fun in the chatbox!
Posted 2008-09-04, 04:38 PM
Long as hell but fun to read!

[17:21] System: !King_Amazon! has joined the chat

[17:21] !King_Amazon!: you know, its really annoying when you cant manage to do things with your girlfriend because somehow everyone else gets along better with her then i do. but that isnt what is between me and her.
[17:21] alex132005: dun com on here
[17:21] Wallow: okay then
[17:21] !King_Amazon!: we have been through really rough times. you hit the nail on the head the other day when you said, "is he really that insecure that he thinks you would leave him for some internet guy"... well it happened.
[17:21] !King_Amazon!: not only an internet guy but a WoW assfuck that really ruined our entire relationship. the was the worst time in our lives and somehow we have managed to patch the wounds and move on with our lives and forget what has happened in our past.
[17:21] !King_Amazon!: To see people talk to her in that way brings memories back, its not that im a whinny little bitch that cant take it when people talk to my girlfriend, its because shit like that has happened to me.
[17:21] !King_Amazon!: now i dont care if you have an issue with me, you can hate me all you want, but please leave our past out of it.. we have done a good job in moving on and dont need to be bitching eachother out anymore like last night. if you want to try and make me feel inferrior to all that is man, fine but do it to me, not us.
[17:21] !King_Amazon!: Love, Kazilla
[17:21] alex132005: Orly?
[17:22] Wallow: is that what kazilla said?
[17:22] Wallow: lol
[17:22] System: Kazilla has joined the chat

[17:22] Kazilla: wow in direct violation of the rules...
[17:22] !King_Amazon!: sent me that in a PM
[17:23] Wallow: At first I thought that was actually you talking in a serious tone
[17:23] Wallow: lmfao
[17:23] Kazilla: serioulsy KA r u kidding me?
[17:23] System: D3V has joined the chat
[17:23] !King_Amazon!: Feel free to report me if you want. I couldn't resist.
[17:23] Kazilla: wow... a moderator who cant even follow the rules
[17:24] !King_Amazon!: That's just too funny.
[17:24] Wallow: lmfao!
[17:24] Wallow: OMG K_A, you crack me up so much
[17:24] !King_Amazon!: Next up: omg KA ur such a hypocrite, you wanted D3v banned for the same thing ur doiing now
[17:25] Wallow: I feel like giving you 5 reps for all this
[17:25] Wallow: I feel like giving you 5 reps for all this
[17:25] D3V: Lol. Theres a rule that says you can't post PM's without disclosure from the sender.
[17:25] D3V: But I don't even care anymore.
[17:25] !King_Amazon!: BTW, Kazilla, technically, it isn't against the rules
[17:25] !King_Amazon!: "You may not post private messages in public on the forum, unless explicit permission is granted by the writer."
[17:25] !King_Amazon!: I didn't post anything on the forum
[17:26] Kazilla: ... this is a public forum you tool
[17:26] D3V: This in't public?
[17:26] !King_Amazon!: The chatbox isn't a forum
[17:26] D3V: LOL.
[17:26] Kazilla: w/e ka your a dick, chruser has already been informed
[17:26] Wallow: I love loopholes + rep for all of this K_A
[17:26] !King_Amazon!: omg
[17:26] D3V: Then howcome people can get banned for posting porn links on here.
[17:26] D3V: Or spamming. Lol. Do we even have any rules for the chatbox?
[17:26] !King_Amazon!: D3v, I'm just being an asshole.
[17:26] !King_Amazon!: I know it's against the rules
[17:27] D3V: Lol, okay.
[17:27] !King_Amazon!: Honestly, I'm trying to be a lot like you were back before you got banned
[17:27] D3V: Why?
[17:27] !King_Amazon!: I mean, everyone was fighting for you
[17:27] !King_Amazon!: It would be kinda hard for everyone to say I should be banned for doing the same thing they said you shouldn't be banned for
[17:27] D3V: Nawh, me bening a jackass wasn't as direct or intentional.
[17:27] !King_Amazon!: It's nothing personal with you, just a convenience
[17:27] D3V: being*
[17:28] !King_Amazon!: Either way, I could be demodded and banned and it would still have been worth it
[17:28] Wallow: Hey K_A, what threads have you posted in lately so I can + rep you
[17:28] !King_Amazon!: It's funny shit
[17:28] !King_Amazon!: http :// www . zelaron . com / forum / search .... induser & u = 2792
[17:28] Kazilla: i honestly cant believe you would be that low
[17:29] !King_Amazon!: If anything, it's repayment for you being such an ignorant asshole
[17:29] !King_Amazon!: I can't blame your girl for leaving you for some nerd on WoW
[17:29] Kazilla: wtf is your problem?
[17:31] !King_Amazon!: I wouldn't be surprised if she's planning on leaving you now
[17:31] !King_Amazon!: Hell, she's practically been on here 24/7 talking to people that aren't you
[17:31] System: Wallow has left the chat
[17:31] Kazilla: your seriously that small inside arent you?
[17:31] System: Wallow has joined the chat
[17:32] !King_Amazon!: You're too busy playing video games to keep your woman happy
[17:32] Kazilla: you know im beyond the point of caring about that, i cant believe you lack that much self control
[17:32] Wallow: lol, it was geting hot in here with me and her
[17:32] !King_Amazon!: No shit
[17:32] !King_Amazon!: lol
[17:33] !King_Amazon!: she's pretty much been on everyone's cawks
[17:33] !King_Amazon!: especially D3v
[17:33] !King_Amazon!: she seems to really like him
[17:33] D3V: Dude how is talking about music being on anybodys "cawk".
[17:33] D3V: You're taking your little boredom adventure to far man, seriously.
[17:34] !King_Amazon!: [21:40] System: !King_Amazon! has joined the chat
[17:34] !King_Amazon!: [21:40] !King_Amazon!: You should ditch the boy and get a real man
[17:34] !King_Amazon!: [21:40] !King_Amazon!: Or at least someone smarter than a grapefruit
[17:34] !King_Amazon!: [21:40] Tuttifrutti: i'll take your suggestion into mild consideration
[17:34] !King_Amazon!: lols at that
[17:35] !King_Amazon!: anyway, it's time to chillax before you go kill yourself or something
[17:35] !King_Amazon!: peace out
[17:35] Kazilla: im in aw at how someone could act so childish
[17:35] Wallow: lol, seeya motherfucker
[17:36] Wallow: hah, Kazilla now you're a hypocrite
[17:36] Wallow: look who's talking
[17:36] Kazilla: wallow seriously... why do you talk?
[17:37] Kazilla: you havent gotten under anyones skin - you attempt to be bad when your worse then jamer
[17:37] D3V: Hey, atleast jammer is funny.
[17:37] Kazilla: you have no backbone and cant stand on your own - go lean on KA somemore, try to squeeze a word in between his childish rants
[17:37] Wallow: wtf? I don't attemp to be bad lolo
[17:37] Wallow: lmfao
[17:38] Wallow: You're just pissed because K_A owned you and you can't do anything about your relationship with Tutti, or Megan, whatever her name is
[17:38] Kazilla: what is there to do? ive nothing to do
[17:38] !King_Amazon!: Stop playing video games and start pleasing your woman
[17:38] Wallow: Your relationship was hanging on a thread
[17:38] !King_Amazon!: I JUST CANT RESIST LOL
[17:39] !King_Amazon!: I wanted to leave but this is just too much fun so I can't leave
[17:39] Kazilla: good to see wallow got his backbone back
[17:39] Wallow: I know isn't it?
[17:39] Kazilla: atleast now he has someone to support him
[17:39] Wallow: OMG Kazilla, stfu!
[17:39] System: alex132005 has left the chat
[17:39] Wallow: There's no backbone on K_A
[17:39] Wallow: The only reason I'm sticking around is because him owning you is funny as shit
[17:39] !King_Amazon!: lol, at least your woman would rather talk to Wallow than you
[17:40] Kazilla: right yep
[17:40] Kazilla: wallow, gotcha
[17:40] D3V: Eh, if she knew Wallow in person she'd probably think differently.
[17:40] Wallow: now he's being sarcastic
[17:40] !King_Amazon!: Like I said, I can't blame her
[17:40] !King_Amazon!: I have no problem with tuttifrutti, she's actually a decent looking girl and she's not a bitch like most chicks on the internet
[17:40] Wallow: dude, obviously
[17:40] Wallow: D3V, she's like 5 years older than I am
[17:40] Wallow: that's what makes it even funnier
[17:41] Kazilla: KA you do have an issue with her, because you have an issue with us
[17:41] D3V: How old are you?
[17:41] !King_Amazon!: "us" is you playing video games while she's talking to other dudes on the internet
[17:41] Kazilla: shes at work you numbfuck
[17:41] Wallow: D3V, too lazy to check my stats?
[17:42] Wallow: Well I'm too lazy to tell you my age
[17:42] D3V: Yeah, actually I'm at work.
[17:42] Kazilla: aka he is embarassed
[17:42] System: Tuttifrutti has joined the chat
[17:42] Tuttifrutti: okay seriously
[17:42] Tuttifrutti: dont talk about me when im not here
[17:42] Wallow: ooo
[17:42] D3V: It's not listed, Swallows.
[17:43] Wallow: she couldn't resist watching her bf getting owned
[17:43] D3V: I'm guessing you're about 15-16?
[17:43] Wallow: I'm almost 16 D3V
[17:43] Wallow: 21 of October
[17:43] !King_Amazon!: She's gotta come defend him before he goes into a nerd rage
[17:43] Tuttifrutti: wallow stfu
[17:43] Wallow: or commits suicide
[17:43] Kazilla: wow
[17:43] D3V: Okay, then you have an excuse.
[17:43] Kazilla: thats pathetic ka
[17:43] Wallow: I don't think committing suicide is pathetic
[17:44] Tuttifrutti: ..
[17:44] Tuttifrutti: he wasnt talking to you
[17:44] Tuttifrutti: open your eyes
[17:44] Kazilla: cool, go put that theory to the test
[17:44] Wallow: I know
[17:44] !King_Amazon!: you know, its really annoying when you cant manage to do things with your girlfriend because somehow everyone else gets along better with her then i do. but that isnt what is between me and her. we have been through really rough times.
[17:44] Wallow: Oh fuck, you just owned me Kaz

[17:44] !King_Amazon!: you hit the nail on the head the other day when you said, "is he really that insecure that he thinks you would leave him for some internet guy"... well it happened. not only an internet guy but a WoW assfuck that really ruined our entire relationship. the was the worst time in our lives and somehow we have managed to patch the wounds and move on with our lives and forget what has happened in our past.
[17:44] !King_Amazon!: To see people talk to her in that way brings memories back, its not that im a whinny little bitch that cant take it when people talk to my girlfriend, its because shit like that has happened to me.

[17:44] Wallow: lmfao
[17:44] Kazilla: wow here goes KA again

[17:45] !King_Amazon!: now i dont care if you have an issue with me, you can hate me all you want, but please leave our past out of it.. we have done a good job in moving on and dont need to be bitching eachother out anymore like last night. if you want to try and make me feel inferrior to all that is man, fine but do it to me, not us.

[17:45] Wallow: hahaha
[17:45] Kazilla: chruser banned d3v for doing what you did, do you not care?
[17:45] Tuttifrutti: okay stop it
[17:45] Tuttifrutti: you are out of line
[17:45] Wallow: that's kaz's message to K_A
[17:45] !King_Amazon!: I'm too entertained to care
[17:45] Wallow: FYI
[17:45] Kazilla: ok good, hopefully chruser gets on and takes care of you
[17:45] Tuttifrutti: i hope so
[17:45] Tuttifrutti: this is like harrassment
[17:45] D3V: Eh, I wouldn't count on it Kaz.
[17:45] !King_Amazon!: If I get banned, so be it
[17:45] Wallow: He's probably cracking up as well
[17:45] !King_Amazon!: It's more than worth it
[17:46] Tuttifrutti: i dont deserve to be harrassed by some fucking asshole
[17:46] !King_Amazon!: Nobody is harassing you
[17:46] D3V: just ignore it.
[17:46] Wallow: tutti, you're not being harassed, kaz is
[17:46] Wallow: don't make it your problem
[17:46] D3V: Just close the chatbox, and log out of Zelaron ....
[17:46] Wallow: yea
[17:46] Tuttifrutti: and chris you dont need to be fucking telling that asshole about our problems
[17:46] Kazilla: swallows go find you a cock to choke on ok? why are you here
[17:46] Tuttifrutti: its none of his business
[17:46] Tuttifrutti: and now he's using it all against us to make other people laugh
[17:47] Tuttifrutti: wallow is K_A's bitch
[17:47] Wallow: ohh yea, I'm really his bitch
[17:47] System: Lenny has joined the chat
[17:47] Lenny: Come on kids, play nice. I don't see why people should have problems with others, and being an "asshole" is no excuse for it. Maybe it would be an idea for the parties who do have issues with each other to just ignore each other.
[17:47] !King_Amazon!: its alright tuttifrutti, we don't think you're a whore for liking some WoW nerd
[17:47] Wallow: I'm fucking his asshole just tonight
[17:47] !King_Amazon!: you're deprived
[17:47] Kazilla: ka is wallos backbone actually
[17:47] Wallow: lenny, don't ruin this, please
[17:47] Wallow: I'm cracking up so hard right now
[17:47] !King_Amazon!: nobody thinks anything bad of you tuttifrutti
[17:47] Lenny: If you all want to duke it out then do it in the Flame Forum, not in the Chatbox.
[17:47] Kazilla: lenny it would have happened that way had KA not pulled the dickhead move of posting it on the chatbox
[17:48] Tuttifrutti: i dont give a fuck, you're pulling my personal things into a social place
[17:48] Kazilla: tried to reason with an asshole, you see what that got me
[17:48] Tuttifrutti: i dont care to tlak about my past problems, thank you very goddamn much
[17:48] Wallow: I'm starting to think bad things of tutti, she's being a bitch
[17:48] Tuttifrutti: i cant even focus on my work now
[17:48] Tuttifrutti: fuck you
[17:48] !King_Amazon!: Kazilla is the one that brought your problems here
[17:48] Tuttifrutti: fucking asshole
[17:48] Kazilla: wallow honeslty stfu
[17:49] Wallow: lmfao
[17:49] Kazilla: no i brought them to a fucking pm you cunt
[17:49] Kazilla: you brought them here
[17:49] Lenny: Guys, just shut the fuck up. If you want to argue, do it privately.
[17:49] Lenny: All of you.
[17:49] Kazilla: I TRIED THAT
[17:49] Kazilla: fuck ka
[17:49] !King_Amazon!: you were stupid enough to tell me about it
[17:49] Wallow: Lenny, aren't you laughing?
[17:49] Wallow: how can you not?
[17:49] Lenny: No.
[17:49] Kazilla: i tried to reason with you, but i can see that was the wrong move
[17:49] D3V: Wallow don't antagonize anybody.
[17:49] Wallow: Don't be that guy that spoils all of this
[17:49] !King_Amazon!: ^--lie
[17:49] System: Jessifer has joined the chat
[17:49] Jessifer: It's not wise to mix personal life with work, Tutti. I recommend going back to work and ignoring this until you actually have personal time.
[17:49] Wallow: This is just so funny
[17:50] Lenny: Dillagad, Wallow.
[17:50] Lenny: dilligad*
[17:50] Wallow: Omg, soon all of Zelaron will be mixed into this "feud"
[17:50] Jessifer: I missed it.
[17:50] D3V: Bbl.
[17:50] Wallow: I think it was either me or K_A that started it
[17:50] !King_Amazon!: Unfortunately I have go to now
[17:50] Kazilla: Lenny, i took this privately - i explained why i would like KA to stop harrassing me and tutti, he continued to post it all over the chatbox which caused all this | which is in direct violatoin of the fkn rules he is supposed to inforce
[17:51] Wallow: that's why I asked so many times yesterday for it to be recorded
[17:51] System: D3V has left the chat
[17:51] Tuttifrutti: wallow just shut up
[17:51] !King_Amazon!: Peace out everyone
[17:51] Tuttifrutti: no one cares what you think
[17:51] !King_Amazon!: Thanks for the laughs Kazilla
[17:51] Wallow: same
[17:51] Kazilla: fucking die tonight bitch
[17:51] !King_Amazon!: Good luck growing up and being a man for your woman instead of a boy
[17:51] Wallow: And tutti, stop bitching at me
[17:51] Kazilla: tell nikki the same
[17:51] Kazilla: the dumb bitch has no idea
[17:51] Jessifer: Goodness...
[17:51] Wallow: I don't care about you, I was laughing at Kaz
[17:52] Tuttifrutti: make me, swallow
[17:52] !King_Amazon!: Hah, I don't have to worry about my girl leaving me for some nerds on the internet
[17:52] !King_Amazon!: I know how to treat her right
[17:52] Wallow: lol
[17:52] !King_Amazon!: I'd teach you how, but I have to go
[17:52] Lenny: Oi, fucktards - Flame Forum, not Chatbox. better still, not at all.
[17:52] !King_Amazon!: I'll teach you later if you want, but I charge
[17:52] Kazilla: who said shes going to be alive tonight for you to treat her right
[17:52] Jessifer: Jesus christ. You're all acting like idiots.
[17:52] Kazilla: have fun picking up the pieces of whats left of her
[17:52] Tuttifrutti: chris, wtf?
[17:52] Wallow: who cares lol?
[17:52] !King_Amazon!: lol
[17:53] !King_Amazon!: wow
[17:53] !King_Amazon!: here goes the nerd rage!
[17:53] Wallow: ooo, Kazilla is resorting to threats
[17:53] !King_Amazon!: as I predicted
[17:53] Lenny: !K_A!, leave it. Kazilla, leave it.
[17:53] Kazilla: her facebook gives away to much information
[17:53] !King_Amazon!: no really, I have to go asshole
[17:53] !King_Amazon!: stop making me laugh
[17:53] Kazilla: hf ka
[17:53] Wallow: K_A, I wouldn't go much farther
[17:53] Lenny: JFDI.
[17:53] Wallow: This is the second step
[17:53] Wallow: the third step is suicide
[17:53] Kazilla: i wish you the best in your life without her
[17:53] Wallow: I'd suggest we just end this, or Kazilla is going to commit suicide
[17:54] Kazilla: i would take your life before mine swallows
[17:54] System: !King_Amazon! has left the chat

Last edited by !King_Amazon!; 2012-04-24 at 06:36 PM. Reason: Fixt
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